My name's Hanyuan, and I'm a final-year Advanced Computer Science student at the University of New South Wales. I'm most skilled in backend development (specifically using Python and Rust), but I am interested in other things, including messing with programming languages and game development.
My current long-term project is my website, which is in active development.
Most of my work on GitHub is for student societies at UNSW. Specifically:
- I was a Development Executive for CSESoc, the student society that represents Computer Science students (among others), where I helped overlook the various software projects we develop (including Notangles, Circles and Freerooms).
- Before that, I was a Competitions director for CSESoc - check out the society's website here!
- I was a member of the Projects subcommittee in CSESoc, where I helped make the content management system for articles.
- I was the IT director for Co-op Soc, where I helped maintain the website.
Below are some of the things I've done:
- I've made a little Minecraft mod to teach myself some Java.
- I've made some small things in Clojure, and I'm always looking for ways I can shove it into a project.
- I've experimented with making programming languages, but I hope to eventually make a programming language with syntax highlighting and proper tooling.