A program that simulates Rock-Paper-Scissors tournaments.
This program is written exclusively in C99.
Compile on command line with gcc -std=c99 RPS.c RPS_champion.c -o RPS
and run with ./RPS
- RoaryStar
- Opened repository and set program requirements
- Wrote the "champion" AI player
- One "champion" AI player, whose development started this entire project
- A terminal interface with commands for the following features:
- Creating an AI player
- Playing a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, user against AI
- Playing a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, AI against AI
- Conducting a tournament between two AI players
- Conducting a tournament between multiple AI players
- (Stretch) Conducting an evolutionary tournament between multiple AI player types
- Numerous types of AI players:
- Fully-random player
- Human-random player
- Skewed random player
- Deterministic n-cycle player
- Deterministic 1-cycle responsive player
- (Stretch) Various learning players
- (Stretch) An ncurses interface with support for the above features, as well as
- A graphical user interface
- Visualization support for AI player decision-making
- Statistics visualizations over games and tournaments