- Refactor variable setter. Fixes variable saving issues. Add test cases (#708)
- Prefixed css classes with sg- so they don't conflict with user's css (#706) Thanks @wini16!
- Correct path to helper elements CSS (#699)
- Correct path to favico for styleguides hosted in subfolders (#698)
- Correct path to icons when StyleGuide is in a subfolder (#697)
- Fix SASS variable parsing. Pass correct syntax to SCSS parser (#687)
- PostCSS variable parsing support (#680)
- Support all options via cli (#679) Thanks @kr3l!
- Add missing default option to section header variables (#674)
- Support special characters on page title and on designer tool, (#670, closes #664)
- Fix: Ignored blocks should not change line numbering (#669)
- Fix '{{color.value}} does not conform to the required format' warnings (#665)
- Throttle scroll events. Optimize scroll performance (#666)
- Update dependencies (#668)
- Add customizable section header colors (#667)
- Fix issue when override mixin gets replaced with the empty one. Add test case (#660)
- Show line number indicating where variable is defined (#653)
- Add directory of custom colors file to SASS includePaths (#656)
- Possibility to override internal styles using mixin (#654)
- Add NPM badge to README (#651)
- Update dependencies (#657)
- Minor fixes. Remove extra header margin and fix typo (#646)
- Fix SCSS mixing parsing and add tests, (#643, closes #477)
- Update designer tool references when switching page (#638)
- Fix color helper not to overflow from container (#636)
- Upgrade gonzales-pe to 3.0.0-29 (#637)
- Fix header element in the demo styleguide (#632)
- Fix: Render angular components properly when using modifiers (#629)
- Fix: Parser should not crash on empty files (#628)
- Update README gulp example (#622) Thanks @bassettsj!
- Fix updating variables should only change variable declarations (#617)
- Fix styleguide color block height (#612)
- Remove neat-grid. Fixes leaking style issues (#609)
- Fix accidentally changed action color (#605)
- Allow anchor links in the overview file. Fixes #599 (#602)
- Fix fullscreen mode links when disableHtml5Mode is enabled. Fixes #597 (#598)
- Support passing --disable-html5-mode on the command line. Thanks @alekstorm! (#596)
- Disable HTML5 mode by default when internal server is not used (#594)
- Update lodash (#593)
- Update footer logo (#590)
- Do not expose all configuration params to index.html JSON (#586)
- Improve static asset documentation (#585)
- Update Npm dependencies (#580)
- Respect ignored blocks in kss-splitter, (#579, closes #577)
- Replace marked library with markdown-it, (#578, closes #569)
- Add possibility to ignore parts of the style files from processing (#568)
- Add possibility to disable HTML5 history API. Implements #534 (#574)
- Downgrade gonzales to 3.0.0-12. Due to vast amount of issues with the newer gonzales the version is downgraded to 3.0.0-12
- Improve variable parsing tests (#564)
- Remove outdated information from development instructions (#558)
- Implement horizontal navigation bar (#550)
- Allow markdown and HTML in KSS header and description, implement #492 (#543)
- Fix: LESS variables not resolved properly in markup (#549, closes #546). Thanks @cognivator!
- Fix through2 obj call syntax (#542)
- Catch errors when finding used variables (#548)
- Upgrade gonzales to 3.0.0-16 (#541)
- New route for search. Do not allow searches less than 3 chars (#544)
- Define border also on input focus styles (#552)
- Fix fullscreen mode when using disableEncapsulation option (#536)
- Change CSS order to prevent leakages when not using encapsulation (#532)
- Allow loading multiple directives, (#527, closes #517)
- Regex was matching substring of variable name, (#525, closes #500)
- Fix basic plain CSS support, (#523, closes #507)
- Fixed section modifier in fullscreen mode (#511)
- Support windows linebreaks when parsing additional KSS params (#530)
- Explanations on how to use additional CSS (#528)
- Update JSCS. Fix code styling issues (#524)
- Update all dependencies except gonzales-pe (#521)
- Instructions to add multiple --kss-source (#513)
- Add possibility to disable shadow DOM encapsulation (#531)
- Add initial version of navigation buttons to fullscreen mode (#475)
- Fix fullscreen navigation tests (#1)
- Fix broken header link. (#474, closes #463)
- Fix KSS parsing failing on an empty file (#467)
- Revert gonzales to old version, fixes variable parsing issues (#470)
- Reimplement Shadow DOM wrapping, fixes using Angular directives in shadowDom (#468)
- Fix sections being grouped based on start of section number (Fix #447) (#449)
- Fix syntax error in the readme code example (#445)
- Fix CLI argument
not taken into account (#453)
- Refactor and further modularize CLI and add unit tests (#446)
- Use the new version of Gonzales with {} AST and native map, and remove gonzales-ast package. (#455)
- Unit and integration test improvements
- Update and clean out unused npm dependencies
- Typo in CLI
argument (#443)
- Downgrade socket.io to 1.2.1 to fix socket port resolving issues (#438)
- Fix: apply socket event listener functions correctly through angular root scope (#433)
- Restore full changelog from GitHub history (#434)
- Do not hide compile errors when fixing validation errors (#429)
- Relay server port to socket.io client, defer socket event listener registrations until connection (#430)
- Breaking change: Remove internal style preprocessing (#Merge pull request #386)
- Since style preprocessing is not anymore part of the styleguide, it is now possible to use your preferred preprocessor. See README for the new API documentation.
- Add variable syntax checking on save and show error on UI (#412)
- Ensure variables' order in the Designer Tool is the same as in the source file (#419)
- Fix running
npm run demo
when parent project already has gulp as dependency (#414)
- Create 404 page. Use ui-sref to generate internal links (#402)
- Parse only the given syntax when parsing variables (#406)
- Hide progress bar when socket connection is lost (#398)
- Fix tests when running with newest KSS (#394)
- Clean up custom KSS params before processing KSS (#385)
- Remove defined in texts in variables. Update KSS example data (#373)
- Move gulp test tasks to own file (#383)
- Move bin/styleguide to lib/cli.js (#384)
- Improve npm integration tests (#382)
- Add npm package integration test (#378)
- Correct markup for code in README (#367)
- Declare Angular directives in KSS comments (#364)
- Show variable source file name(s) (#360)
- Nice looking designer tool for mobile devices (#359)
- Hide absolute paths on client (#358)
- Save only changed variables (#355)
- Find variable declarations from every file. Use styleVariables to filter selected files (#344)
- Feature: Custom KSS parameter for wrapper markup (#338) The syntax for declaring a component wrapper has been changed. It is not compartible anymore. When updating change you wrapper components according to documentation.
- Allow empty single-line comments (#345)
- Fixes failed styleguide generation when section modifier has no markup (#343)
- Fix: Do not detect @imports as variables (#342)
- Instruction how to deal with branches (#346)
- Fix test directive when running gulp dev (#335)
- Fix: Include demo-gulpfile.js to NPM package. Fixes demo (#339)
- Fix typo in demo gulp file (#336)
- Remove unused scoped styles from processing flow (#337)
- Fix addWrapper issue when styleguide config is not yet loaded (#320)
- Fix issues when styleVariables is undefined (#319)
- Add lazy loaded directive example to demo project. Use separated gulp file to run demo (#322)
- Add debounce to search box. (#327)
- Append link elements to head instead of writing to document (#331)
- Insert user markup in shadowRoot or lightDom depending on browser support (#310)
- Fix: Parse at-rules to separate stylesheet. Fixes font problems with shadow DOM (#309)
- Fix common class: add a custom wrapper element with the defined class... (#308)
- Fix: Handle extraHead parameter properly when it is a string (#305)
- Fix: Apply shadow DOM styles properly on fullscreen mode (#306)
- Watch variable file changes when running executable with watch parameter (#314)
- Possibility to pass a single stylefile to executable (#301)
- Fix: Find variables that have double parenthesis. Simplify variable parser (#292)
- Fix #241: Depend on Gonzales 3.0.0-12 (Parse variables in Bootstrap) (#291)
- Add find variable -icons to designer tool markup (#299)
- Remove unneeded dependencies. Update all dependencies (#297)
- jshint: Enforce captilized identifiers (#296)
- Instead of ignoring files, explicitly specify what is included in the npm tarball (#294)
- Find all sections that use the selected variable (#265)
- If a section does not use variables, list its sub-sections' variables (#275)
- Scope user stylesheet to user markup if the browser supports it. Thank you @Janpot! (#280)
- Some headers are not activated due to scrollable area being too short (#287)
- Fix #266: Do not replace pseudo selectors when they appear inside :not clause (#279)
- Find used variables also from function parameters (#267)
- Show full error message in UI when compilation error happens (#286)
- Disable "Save changes" button when socket connection is lost (#282)
- Disable "Reset local changes" button if no variable is dirty (#289)
- Allow scrollbars in content preview if content is too large (#277)
- Highlight section header when scrolling (#273)
- Re-style section headings (#270)
- Whole section heading is now clickable anchor link (#272)
- Do not use block section styles when main section does not have markup (#274)
- Support 3-character shorthand CSS colors (#258)
- Support color values also in the middle of the variable string (#256)
- Fix color picker and footer styles (#263)
- Fix navigation ng-class using multiple conditional classes (#262)
- Fix #255: Do not pollute previews with inheritable styles (#260)
- Fix: Npm run demo should work without dev dependencies (#259)
- Show related variables in the designer tool (#214)
- Add css.src option; can be used to control which files are bundled (#237)
- Fix: Styles are no longer added twice in the demo project. Fixes Firefox icon font problem (#195)
- Fix #191: Sort styleguide sections by reference number (#197)
- Add gulp task "dev", a shorthand for watch with parameters (#192)
- Use new version of Gonzales (#194)
- Don't bail out in case of parsing errors; emit compile error event to UI (#201
- Improve designer tool not to overflow over content (#220) )
- Log error if two KSS sections have the same reference number (#223)
- Show designer tool always. Disable variable saving when socket.io does not exists (#244)
- Test that error callback is called on sass/less preprocessing errors (#248)
- Parse section related variables to styleguide.json (#188)
- Use Github readme as a demo project overview page (#202)
- Don't bail out in case of parsing errors; emit compile error event to UI (#201)
- Fix #191: Sort styleguide sections by reference number (#197)
- Fix: Styles are no longer added twice in the demo project. Fixes Firefox icon font problem (#195)
- Ometa splitter is not in use any more (#198)
- Use new version of Gonzales (#194)
- Move development instructions to own file, add TOC to readme (#203)
- Refactor: use promises in styleguide.js, use named functions instead of comments, general readability improvements (#193)
- Add gulp task "dev", a shorthand for watch with parameters (#192)
- Add no-fail sass gulp task. Gulp build will fail and exit on sass errors, watches should not. (#196)
- Add header error state styles to styleguide (#182)
- Integrate KSS splitter. Show related CSS styles in UI (#181)
- Gonzales based KSS splitter + more complex tests (#180)
- Notify the UI of sass compile errors (#179)
- Fix: Support styleVariables parameter also when running styleguide executable (#174)
- Possibility to define separate src for less and sass compiling (#167)
- Show an error icon when socket is disconnected (#168)
- Finetune socket disconnected icon styles (#175)
- Store information if designer tool variable is changed. Smarter change merging (#161)
- Do not list variables alphabetically in Designer Tool (#157)
- Fix: Regexp splitter does not detect blocks correctly in some cases (#177)
- Fix: Add missing width to disconnect icon styles (#178)
- Hide socket connection icon and Designer Tool if socket is not used (#173)
- Do not stop watch when SASS compile error occurs (#165)
- Fix: Add input focus color back (#164)
- Fixing default cursor value (#176)
- Fix sass and less src parameter handling (#170)
- Fix: Sync deleted and added variables in designer tool (#158)
- Add test for SASS and LESS processing (#183)
- Separate wrapper markup generator to its own module (#163)
- Add coveralls configuration and install node-coveralls (#160)
- Add Istanbul code coverage instrumentation and lcov report generation (#159)
- Form renderer in a separate testable method (#156)
- Implement possibility to reset local variable changes (#152)
- Functional page title on fullscreen mode. Implement and improve tests (#151)
- Commented Parser (#147)
- Page title rendered according to section (#148)
- Sync designer tool variables when there are server side changes (#144)
- Styleguide service listens to socket events (#143)
- Refactor localstorage handling. Persist designer tool visibility (#142)
- Emit progress information from gulp task to client. Implement progress bar (#140)
- Get socket returns promise and sassVariables --> styleVariables (#135)
- Prevent watch server crashing when there is style syntax error (#139)
- Improve designer tool UI. Add examples to styleguide (#136)
- Make sure that elements does not overlap modifier label (#133)
- Fullscreen controller handles markup parsing instead of directive (#132)
- Inherited wrappers (#134)
- getPreprocessStream moved into separate module (#154)
- getMarkdownStream moved into separate module (#153)
- Declare angular dependencies for components in inline array (#150)
- Move maximum code to lib/modules (#149)
- Separate module for parsing KSS (detached from styleguide.js) (#145)
- Use real parser to update changed variables to source SASS/LESS file (#137)
- Update GCC in travis.yml. Fix build (#138)
- Move variable parsing logic to external lib. Implement initial tests (#98)
- Variable saving moved to Variable service (#97)
- Remove decodeHTML filter as native solution is available (#94)
- Features/modular css 4 app (#93)
- Find sass variables with config parameter instead of magic file. Fix socket.io target paths (#91)
- Fix fullscreen to work also with first level items (#89)
- Fixed double inclusion of Angular dependencies (#90)
- Add commonClass option that is added to every preview block (#87)
- Possibility to display a single element as full page (#88)
- Fixed section.markup: false (#86)
- Fix designer mode (#84)
- Fix dynamic SASS variables (#80)
- Do not reveal output path to public configuration (#74)
- Upgrade to angular 1.3.0 (#82)
- Add david dependency badge (#83)
- Tests for MainCtrl (#79)
- Socket.io is optional (#78)
- Describe in docs that a server should resolve paths into appRoot (#77)
- Fix: Overview.md is not rendered (#76)
- Update jscs to 1.7.1. Fix tests (#75)
- Remove unused stream-assert-gulp (#72)
- Update jscs to 1.7.0. Fix coding conventions (#73)
- Added appRoot configuration parameter that allows to run application from sub-folder.
- Breaking change: The styleguide is now fully generated in memory. The results should be written to disk using the output stream instead of outputPath parameter
- Possibility to define custom title
- Improved documentation and tests
- Less production dependencies
- Easy to run demo project
- First NPM release