A simple sudoku game app with some data persistance!
- Install fvm
- Install the project Flutter version:
fvm install
- Install the dependencies:
fvm flutter pub get
- Generate the source code, either using the watcher (generates files on the fly) or by directly building:
fvm dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs # watcher
fvm dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs # simple builder
fvm dart run build_runner clean # cleans the cache if something goes wrong
fvm flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
Run this at least once a month
fvm releases # shows the available versions of flutter to install locally
fvm use x.x.x # sets as active the new flutter version
fvm dart run flutter_native_splash:create --path=flutter_native_splash.yaml
fvm dart run flutter_launcher_icons:generate # Init of flutter_launcher_icons.yaml
fvm dart run flutter_launcher_icons:generate -o # Overrides old yaml
fvm dart run flutter_launcher_icons # Generates all the native files (based on yaml content)
mason init
mason add brick-name # Adds the brick to the project
mason make brick-name # Executes the brick