NTP Server aims to be a stratum 1 level, with:
- RaspberyPi 2
- GPS module with PPS output
- Kernel PPS module usage into NTP server
- based on Debian 8 (creation of projet on June 26, 2016 : ok, it's a long time ago... but still working :-) )
Image & Video in docs directory
You can use, and/or modify freely, BUT, you have to share here any changes (through an issue and/or a push request). You're not allowed to use for commercial purposes in any way.
So, GPS module is connected like:
- TX pin on the RX serial console of the rpi
- PPS pin plug on the GPIO 18
LED display parts are connected like:
- RED led on the GPIO 5
- YELLOW led on the GPIO 13
- GREEN led on the GPIO 26
- =>GPIO are configured as pull-down mode for those pins.
To install, you have to:
- Create a basic debian image on a SDCard
- insert into and start your Rpi
- configure your network, I suggest you to set it in static
- update and install git
- clone the repo
- add pps-rules
- add specific conf from cmdline
- add specific conf from config.txt
- add module
- link rc.local
- apply iptables rules v4 and v6 (for now, I blocked all ipv6, but I know I'll have to change that)
- add symlink
- remove ntpd
- download ntp sources, then compile/install with configure-ntpd.sh => this is to add PPS kernel support
- install ntp.conf
- reboot and check : when you're GPS is synchronised (cat /dev/gps0 and check RMC/GGA frame), you should have a cross in front of and a 'o' in front of
ntp gps pps server stratum 0 1 raspberry pi gpio ntpd linux