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Data structure and Algorithms in jascript

Day One

basic concepts of data structure and algorithms in javascript Time compexity and space complexity Big O notation

Day Two

find items and index in array linear search Binaray Search

Day Three

bubble sort insertion sort selection sort subsequence and subarray longestArtithmeticSubarray Repeated item in array smallest and largest repeated number in array find the missing number in array smallest positive missing number in array

Day Four

Richest customer wealth 2D array Number of setps to reduce a number to zero Middle of the linked list Remove duplicates from sorted array Can letter be made from other letters

Day Five

subArray with given sum Matrix transpose and 2 dimensional array Kadane's algorithm Maximum subarray sum Maximum subarray sum circular calPoints & Baseball game String character Array

Week 2

Turing question Bits Bitwise AND of numbers range Recusrion Js array Methods

Week 3

Linked List Stack Queue Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Heap Graph Hash Table Trie Circular Linked List , Double Linked List Priority Queue , Deque or Double Ended Queue Min Heap , Max Heap


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