Inventory LTE is a small inventory management project in PHP, MySQL. It is fully functional script but Beta version.
I used AdminLTE for backend dashboard which is a fully responsive admin template. Based on Bootstrap 4 framework.
Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops. Check out the live preview now and see for yourself.
At this point, following modules are working:
- Adapted to all devices (Responsive design)
- Login Module
- User Registration
- Categories Management
- Products & Quantity Management
- Invoice Billing PDF printing
- Sales Order with different payment methods
Development Tools
- jQuery DataTable: Used for dynamic tables creation.
- ChartJS:Used for dynamic graphics and charts.
- Date Range Picker: Used for selecting date ranges.
- Select2 Plugin: For Searcing products in sales order
- Sweetalerts: Awesome alerts library.
- FPDF :PHP extension for PDF format printing.
- Sales Reports
- Best-selling Products Reports
- Daily Reports
- Monthly Reports
- Date range Reports
Project Dashboard Image