was originally a sub-engine of MarkDoc package, which was used for converting
Markdown to SMCL for generating dynamic help files. However, since GitHub package allows
installing package dependencies automatically, it was a time for this engine to be in a separate repository so that other
users can use it independent of MarkDoc.
The package was originally included with the ado file named markdown.ado
since Stata 15 introduces a command with the same name, the command is renamed to
If you have GitHub package installed, simply type:
gitget md2smcl
or using the old syntax
github install haghish/md2smcl
takes Markdown within a compound double-string. It converts the markdown code and
displays the SMCL text in Stata. In addition, it returns a r(md)
macro which
holds the SMCL markup code.
md2smcl `"_italic_ and __bold__"'
md2smcl `"[md2smcl Homepage]("'
the results would be:
italic and bold
md2smcl Homepage
E. F. Haghish
Center for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics
University of Freiburg, Germany
[email protected]