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Fluent Command Builder

Fluent Command Builder makes building command lines easy and clean.

Automated build/test/deploy processes depend heavily on tools that provide a command line interface. Building command lines requires much string interpolation and often results in code which is not only hard to read and maintain but results in much unwanted duplication.

Fluent Command Builder hides this complexity behind a fluent interface which dramatically improves readabilty, maintainability and reduces duplication. The fluent interface also helps reduce barrier to entry when using new commands since details such as switch symbols, delimiters and casing are taken care of automatically.


Desired command line:

MSBuild sample.proj /target:clean;build /property:configuration=release

Fluent Command Builder usage:

msbuild('sample.proj').target([:clean, :build]).property(configuration: 'release')


Extremely effective with RubyMine intellisense.

RubyMine intellisense for MSBuild


gem install fluent_command_builder


require 'fluent_command_builder'
include FluentCommandBuilder::MSBuild::V40
msbuild('sample.proj').target(:rebuild).property(configuration: 'release').execute!

In this example, the msbuild method invokes a MSBuild 4.0 command builder and expects that MSBuild is on the PATH.

To set the path explicitly:

configure_msbuild { |config| config.path = 'C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319' }

If the path does not exist, a warning will be generated similar to:

WARNING: Path for command "MSBuild", version "4.0" does not exist. Path: C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319

At execution time, if the path still does not exist, an error will be generated similar to:

ERROR: Path for command "MSBuild", version "4.0" does not exist. Path: C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319


The "execute!" method

At any point along the chain, the execute! method may be called to execute the command:

msbuild('sample.proj').target(:rebuild).property(configuration: 'release').execute!

By default, the execute! method executes the command using Kernel#system.

The Execution Context

FluentCommandBuilder::execution_context exposes the following attributes which can be used to customise command execution:

  • executor: An object responsible for executing the command. Default: SystemExecutor.
  • should_print_on_execute: Determines whether the command should be displayed when executed. Default: true.
  • should_fail_on_error: Determines whether the command should raise an exception if not successful. Default: true.

Available executors:

  • BackticksExecutor: Executes the command and returns the output.
  • DryRunExecutor: Prints the command instead of executing it.
  • RakeShExecutor: Executes the command using Rake#sh.
  • SystemExecutor: Executes the command using Kernel#system and returns true (successful), false (unsuccessful) or nil (failed).

Example customisation:

FluentCommandBuilder.execution_context.executor =
FluentCommandBuilder.execution_context.should_print_on_execute = false
FluentCommandBuilder.execution_context.should_fail_on_error = true

The execution context can be changed temporarily using the change_execution_context method:

FluentCommandBuilder.change_execution_context do |context|
    context.executor =
    context.should_print_on_execute = false
    context.should_fail_on_error = true

Once the block has executed, the execution context will reset to it's original values.

Please note that it is also possible to plug-in custom executors and formatters.

Password Formatting

By default, passwords will be replaced with *** in the command output.

To display passwords instead:

FluentCommandBuilder.password_formatter.enabled = false

Version Validation

Fluent Command Builder compares the command builder version with the actual command version just prior to execution and aborts if the versions do not match.

As an example, if MSBuild 3.5 is on the PATH but is being invoked by an MSBuild 4.0 command builder, an error would be generated similar to:

ERROR: Version validation for command "MSBuild" failed. Expected version 4.0 but was 3.5.

Version validation can be configured to warn instead of aborting:

configure_msbuild { |config| config.version_validation_level = :warn }

The "to_s" method

At any point along the chain, the to_s method may be called to get the command string:

command = msbuild('sample.proj').target(:rebuild).property(configuration: 'release').to_s


Argument Formatting


An array can be passed to an argument that allows multiple values. Fluent Command Builder will format the list using the appropriate delimiter.

Desired command line:

MSBuild sample.proj /target:clean;build

Fluent Command Builder usage:

msbuild('sample.proj').target([:clean, :build])

Notice how target is an array and has been formatted as a semicolon delimited list.

Key-value Pairs

A hash can be passed to an argument that expects key-value pairs. Fluent Command Builder will format the key-value pairs using the appropriate delimiters.

Desired command line:

MSBuild sample.proj /property:configuration=release

Fluent Command Builder usage:

msbuild('sample.proj').property(configuration: 'release')

Notice how property is a hash and has been formatted using the equals sign.

Arguments containing spaces

Fluent Command Builder will surround any argument containing a space with double quotes automatically.

Desired command line:

MSBuild "sample 1.proj"

Fluent Command Builder usage:

msbuild('sample 1.proj')

Notice the space in the project name and how the output has surrounded the project name with double quotes.

Nested Commands

Fluent Command Builder also supports nesting of commands.

Desired command line:

bundle exec cucumber sample.feature

Fluent Command Builder usage:


Detect version of command on PATH

Fluent Command Builder provides a consitent way of obtaining a command version:

MSBuild.version # => "4.0.30319.1"


Custom String Appending

Each command has an underlying builder that provides generic functions for building command line strings. The underlying builder can be exposed to enable customisation of the command line.

In the following examples, the underlying builder is exposed as the variable b.

Desired command line:

rake deploy TARGET_ENV=TEST

Fluent Command Builder usage:

rake(:deploy) { |b| b.append ' TARGET_ENV=TEST' }

Supported Commands

Please note:

The versions listed here are not tightly bound to the actual version of the command being executed.

Since most commands are backwards compatible and vary only slightly between versions, an old version of a command builder can be used with a new version of a command.

As an example, the security command for OS X is listed as version 10.7 (Lion), but can also be used for version 10.8 (Mountain Lion).



  • cucumber 1.1, 1.2
  • rake 0.9
  • bundle 1.1


App Engine Python SDK:

  • 1.6, 1.7
  • 1.6, 1.7


OS X (10.7 = Lion, 10.8 = Mountain Lion)

  • security 10.7, 10.8 (WIP)


  • xcodebuild 4.3, 4.4, 4.5


Windows (6.1 = Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2)

  • netsh.exe 6.1 (WIP)


  • msdeploy.exe 7.1

.NET Framework:

  • aspnet_compiler.exe 2.0, 4.0
  • installutil.exe 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0
  • msbuild.exe 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0

Visual Studio (8.0 = 2005, 9.0 = 2008, 10.0 = 2010):

  • mstest.exe 8.0, 9.0, 10.0
  • tf.exe 10.0
  • tf.exe (Team Explorer Everywhere) 10.0, 10.1

Other very important tools:

  • nuget.exe 2.0
  • nunit-console.exe (NUnit) 2.5, 2.6
  • dotcover.exe (.NET code coverage tool by JetBrains) 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2.1
  • 7za.exe (7-Zip) 9.20 (WIP)
  • simian.exe 2.3
  • conlinkchecker.exe (Fast Link Checker) 2.1


A Ruby Gem that makes building command lines easy and clean.







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