Worm is a Java ORM for Mysql, you can make simple query using:
public class User extends Entity {
@Field(unique = true, autoGenerate = true)
public UUID userId;
public String name;
User user = Worm.of(User.class).findUnique("07e09b83-83bb-413c-bfb5-d64e8742f8f0");
First, add Worm's repository into pom.xml
Then, add Worm's dependency too:
First, add Worm's repository into build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
name = 'worm'
url = 'https://repo.gump.dev/releases/'
Then, add Worm's dependency too:
dependencies {
compile 'dev.gump:worm:1.1.2'
(i don't know if this is right, i don't use Gradle :P)
To get started we need to start Worm and declare your connection, use in main class:
public static void main(String[] args) {
WormConnection connection = new WormConnection(host, port, database, user, password);
Then create a class that extends Entity:
public class User extends Entity {
@Field(unique=true, autoGenerate = true)
public UUID userId;
public String name;
public String email;
Now we register the table in Worm:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Worm.getRegistry().registerTable(User.class); // needs be before Worm.init()
WormConnection connection = new WormConnection(host, port, database, user, password);
Now you can use:
User user = Worm.of(User.class).findUnique("87bf4ec7-9051-47a1-b9f4-eea9b9ed8959");
If you wanna learn more Click here to see documentation
- Why you created that? Cuz is so boring to create SQL querys and treat on Java, and I'm lazy
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- Can I contact you? Yep, send email to [email protected]
Thanks to HikariCP, Mysql Connector Java and slf4j