git clone
First, you need to install btcd.
cd $GOPATH\pkg\mod\
git clone
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go install -v . ./cmd/...
Second, you need to install bbolt.
go get
Finally, you need to initialize go mod.
cd blockchain_first_try
go mod init
go mod tidy
.\blockchain_first_try.exe [command]
.\blockchain_first_try.exe transfer 1JLyj9EK6sEv2NpVFV74NvEmgakc2uqmUj 134cxCG8v3RXjfzQRfrQbfw9kKc8bcwh74 20 16f7nqgn2nxnQkcdGtfSBCr1rparBDMPdH wuhu~
.\blockchain_first_try.exe getBalance --address 1JLyj9EK6sEv2NpVFV74NvEmgakc2uqmUj
.\blockchain_first_try.exe getBalance --address 134cxCG8v3RXjfzQRfrQbfw9kKc8bcwh74
.\blockchain_first_try.exe getBalance --address 16f7nqgn2nxnQkcdGtfSBCr1rparBDMPdH
If you don't want to use this data, please delete the wallet.dat