This project was developed for the 2MAE501: Architecture and Programming course of ISAE-SUPAERO's Embedded Systems Major. It consists of factories, a dashboard and a machine learning module, each running on a different raspberrypi.
SSH into the raspberry and run the following:
git clone
cd factory-of-the-future
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cmake gnuplot-x11 libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module libgsl-dev
cmake .
These commands will download the code, install and run cmake (which will then create our makefile).
When there is an update to the repository code, you can simply run the following commands:
git pull
cmake .
Before running the dashboard make sure you find its ipv4 IP address by running ifconfig
Afterwards, simply do:
make dashboard
You will need the dashboard IP to run a factory (the dashboard should be started before the factories):
make factory
./factory [dashboard ip address]
You will need the dashboard IP to run a factory (the dashboard should be started before the factories):
make ml
./ml [dashboard ip address]