Instructions for running diverge after Randall's instructions at Launch a starcluster named
$ starcluster start -c <cluster> <cluster>
$ starcluster sshmaster <cluster>
Now you are on the cluster on AWS. Next is to clone the mpasdocker git repository It is very important that you have to clone the mapsdocker git repository to the local directory where the shared data volume is mounted.
$ cd /home/mpas
$ git clone
$ cd MPAS
Edit hostfile
to represent the number of nodes on your <cluster>
. In this case, we use a two-nodes cluster
Edit machinefile
to represent the number of nodes and processors on your <cluster>
This builds your docker, which is one process per node.
$ mpirun -hostfile hostfile --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 ./ --verbose --output-filename=mpibuild
This runs your simulation in docker, which is n processes per node.
$ mpirun -hostfile hostfile --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 ./ --verbose --output-filename=mpirun