This repository has a PyTorch implementation of SlimNet as described in the paper:
Slim-CNN: A Light-Weight CNN for Face Attribute Prediction Ankit Sharma, Hassan Foroosh Paper
Python 3.6.x
The CelebA Facial Recognition Dataset is available here, the default train arguments look for the dataset in the following format in the current working directory:
Alternatively, the argument you pass as --data_dir in the train script should be the path to (relative or absolute) the directory containing 2 CSV files and folder of cropped images.
--data_dir STR Training data folder. Default is data`.
--save_dir STR Model checkpoints folder. Default is `checkpoints`.
--save_every INT Save frequency Default is 5
--num_epochs INT Number of epochs. Default is 20.
--batch_size INT Number of images per batch. Default is 64.
--conv_filters INT Number of initial conv filters Default is 20.
--conv_filter_size INT Initial conv filter size. Default is 7.
--conv_filter_stride INT Initial conv filter stride. Default is 2.
--filter_counts INT List of Filter counts for the Slim modules Default is 16 32 48 64.
--depth_multiplier INT Depth width for separable depthwise convolution Default is 1.
--num_classes INT Number of class labels . Default is 40.
--num_workers INT Number of threads for dataloading Default is 2.
--weight_decay FLOAT Weight decay of Adam. Default is 0.0001.
--learning_rate FLOAT Adam learning rate. Default is 0.0001.
--decay_lr_every FLOAT Frequency to decay learning rate Default is 0
--lr_decay FLOAT Factor to decay learning rate by Default is 0.1.
git clone & cd pytorch-slim-cnn
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir checkpoints
python --num_epochs 6 --save_every 2 --batch_size 256
import torch
from slimnet import SlimNet
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
PATH_TO_IMAGE = 'data/img_align_celeba/000001.jpg'
labels = np.array(['5_o_Clock_Shadow', 'Arched_Eyebrows', 'Attractive', 'Bags_Under_Eyes',
'Bald', 'Bangs', 'Big_Lips', 'Big_Nose', 'Black_Hair', 'Blond_Hair',
'Blurry', 'Brown_Hair', 'Bushy_Eyebrows', 'Chubby', 'Double_Chin',
'Eyeglasses', 'Goatee', 'Gray_Hair', 'Heavy_Makeup', 'High_Cheekbones',
'Male', 'Mouth_Slightly_Open', 'Mustache', 'Narrow_Eyes', 'No_Beard',
'Oval_Face', 'Pale_Skin', 'Pointy_Nose', 'Receding_Hairline',
'Rosy_Cheeks', 'Sideburns', 'Smiling', 'Straight_Hair', 'Wavy_Hair',
'Wearing_Earrings', 'Wearing_Hat', 'Wearing_Lipstick',
'Wearing_Necklace', 'Wearing_Necktie', 'Young'])
# GPU isn't necessary but could definitly speed up, swap the comments to use best hardware available
#device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
device = torch.device('cpu')
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
# Make tensor and normalize, add pseudo batch dimension and move to configured device
with open(PATH_TO_IMAGE, 'rb') as f:
x = transform(
model = SlimNet.load_pretrained('models/celeba_20.pth').to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(x)
sigmoid_logits = torch.sigmoid(logits)
predictions = (sigmoid_logits > 0.5).squeeze().numpy()
- Model Size ~ 7 mb
- Number of parameters ~ 0.6 M
- CPU : 0.1598 seconds per image ~ 6.25 frames per second
- GPU : 0.0753 seconds per image ~ 13.3 frames per second
todo, see notebook for now for training metric trends
Notebook to evaluate model on test set as well as plot training metrics
- No data augmentation is used right now although it would definitely help in performance/robustness
- It is unclear if weight_decay on the Optimizer translates well as L2 regularization to the network weights as opposed to manually adding them to the loss
- Number of epochs and batch size were not specified in the paper, tried 20 epochs with batch size 256 which is conservative at best, but the loss trend shows an overfitting inflection around the 20th epoch mark as can be seen in the notebook
- torchvision now provides an out of the box Dataset for the CelebA dataset (which will handle downloading the Dataset) so a minor script edit may save you some file download/organizing
- NVIDIA has not yet implemented Depthwise Separable Convolutions in cuDNN so the theoretical speedup won't be visible... yet