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Simplex: equality constraints and cutting planes
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Extend simplex with equality constraint support and improve API
to allow easy incremental adding of new constraints (cutting planes).
  • Loading branch information
gruhn committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 865afa5 commit 1e3c0c5
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Showing 7 changed files with 475 additions and 215 deletions.
178 changes: 95 additions & 83 deletions src/Theory/LinearArithmatic/BranchAndBound.hs
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@@ -1,104 +1,116 @@
module Theory.LinearArithmatic.BranchAndBound
module Theory.LinearArithmatic.BranchAndBound
( branchAndBound
, isIntegral
, steps
, isSat
) where

import Theory.LinearArithmatic.Simplex ( simplexSteps, initTableau, Tableau(..), BoundType(..), isSatisfied )
import qualified Theory.LinearArithmatic.Simplex as Simplex
import Theory.LinearArithmatic.Simplex (Tableau, BoundType(..))
import Theory.LinearArithmatic.Constraint
import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator)
import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator, (%))
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Utils (takeUntil, firstJust)

isIntegral :: Rational -> Bool
isIntegral rational =
isIntegral rational =
numerator rational `mod` denominator rational == 0

findFractional :: S.IntSet -> BBState -> Maybe (Var, Rational)
findFractional vars state = M.lookupMin
$ M.filter (not . isIntegral)
$ M.restrictKeys (getAssignment $ getTableau state) vars

data BBState = BB
{ getFreshVar :: Var
, getTableau :: Tableau
} deriving Show

initState :: [Constraint] -> Maybe BBState
initState constraints = do
tableau_0 <- initTableau constraints

let fresh_var =
case M.lookupMax $ getAssignment tableau_0 of
Nothing -> 0
Just (max_var, _) -> max_var + 1

return $ BB fresh_var tableau_0

branch :: Var -> Rational -> BoundType -> BBState -> BBState
branch var frac_value bound_type (BB fresh_var tableau) =
let Tableau basis bounds assignment = tableau

int_value =
case bound_type of
UpperBound -> fromIntegral $ floor frac_value
LowerBound -> fromIntegral $ ceiling frac_value

tableau_row =
case M.lookup var basis of
Just expr -> expr
Nothing -> M.singleton var 1

fresh_var_value = fromJust $ eval assignment $ AffineExpr 0 tableau_row

in BB (fresh_var + 1) $ Tableau
(M.insert fresh_var tableau_row basis)
(M.insert fresh_var (bound_type, int_value) bounds)
(M.insert fresh_var fresh_var_value assignment)

solveRelaxation :: BBState -> Maybe BBState
solveRelaxation (BB fresh_var tableau)
| isSatisfied tableau' = Just $ BB fresh_var tableau'
findFractional :: S.IntSet -> Tableau -> Maybe (Var, Rational)
findFractional vars tableau =
$ M.filter (not . isIntegral)
$ M.restrictKeys (Simplex.getAssignment tableau) vars

branchOn :: Var -> Rational -> Tableau -> (Tableau, Tableau)
branchOn var frac_value tableau =
left_branch :: Tableau
left_branch =
(AffineExpr (- fromIntegral (floor frac_value)) (M.singleton var 1))

right_branch :: Tableau
right_branch =
(AffineExpr (- fromIntegral (ceiling frac_value)) (M.singleton var 1))
(left_branch, right_branch)

solveRelaxation :: Tableau -> Maybe Tableau
solveRelaxation tableau
| Simplex.isSatisfied tableau' = Just tableau'
| otherwise = Nothing
tableau' = last $ simplexSteps tableau

tableau' = last $ Simplex.steps tableau

data BBState = Sat Assignment | Pending Tableau

steps :: [Constraint] -> S.IntSet -> [BBState]
steps constraints int_vars =
original_vars = varsInAll constraints

get_model :: Tableau -> Assignment
get_model tableau = M.restrictKeys (Simplex.getAssignment tableau) original_vars

go :: BBState -> [BBState]
go (Sat _) = []
go (Pending tableau) = Pending tableau :
case solveRelaxation tableau of
Nothing -> []
Just tableau_next ->
case findFractional int_vars tableau_next of
Nothing -> [ Sat (get_model tableau_next) ]
Just (var, frac_value) ->
(left_branch, right_branch) = branchOn var frac_value tableau_next
go (Pending left_branch) <|> go (Pending right_branch)
maybe [] (go . Pending) $ Simplex.initTableau constraints

isSat :: BBState -> Maybe Assignment
isSat (Sat model) = Just model
isSat _ = Nothing

* Currently incomplete, i.e. algorithm may not terminate on some inputs.
- especially equality constraints
* Constraint preprocessing:
- remove redundant constraints
- tighten bounds
branchAndBound :: [Constraint] -> S.IntSet -> Maybe Assignment
branchAndBound constraints int_vars = do
let original_vars = varsInAll constraints

restrict :: Assignment -> Assignment
restrict assignment = M.restrictKeys assignment original_vars

go :: BBState -> Maybe BBState
go state = do
state' <- solveRelaxation state
case findFractional int_vars state' of
Nothing -> Just state'
Just (var, frac_value) -> go left_branch <|> go right_branch
left_branch = branch var frac_value UpperBound state'
right_branch = branch var frac_value LowerBound state'

state_0 <- initState constraints
state_n <- go state_0

case findFractional int_vars state_n of
Nothing -> Just $ restrict $ getAssignment $ getTableau state_n
Just _ -> Nothing
branchAndBound constraints int_vars =
firstJust isSat $ steps constraints int_vars


example =
[ (AffineExpr (-2) $ M.fromList [ (0,1), (1,1) ], GreaterEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-1/2) $ M.fromList [ (0, 1), (1, -1)], LessEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-1) $ M.fromList [ (0, 1) ], LessEquals )
, (AffineExpr 1 $ M.fromList [ (0, 1), (1, -1)], GreaterEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-3/2) $ M.fromList [ (0,1) ], LessEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-3/2) $ M.fromList [ (1,1) ], GreaterEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-7/4) $ M.fromList [ (1,1) ], LessEquals )
example =
[ (AffineExpr (-2) $ M.fromList [ (0,1), (1,1) ] , GreaterEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-1/2) $ M.fromList [ (0, 1), (1, -1)] , LessEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-1) $ M.fromList [ (0, 1) ] , LessEquals )
, (AffineExpr 1 $ M.fromList [ (0, 1), (1, -1)] , GreaterEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-3/2) $ M.fromList [ (0,1) ] , LessEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-3/2) $ M.fromList [ (1,1) ] , GreaterEquals )
, (AffineExpr (-7/4) $ M.fromList [ (1,1) ] , LessEquals )

example2 =
[ (AffineExpr 1 $ M.fromList [ (0,-2), (1,1) ], LessEquals ) ]
example2 =
[ (AffineExpr 1 $ M.fromList [ (0,-2), (1,1) ], LessEquals ) ]

example3 =
[ ( AffineExpr (-1) (M.fromList [(0,3),(1,-3)]), GreaterEquals )
, ( AffineExpr 0 (M.singleton 0 1), LessEquals)
, ( AffineExpr 1 (M.singleton 1 1), LessEquals)
31 changes: 29 additions & 2 deletions src/Theory/LinearArithmatic/Constraint.hs
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Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,26 @@ instance Num AffineExpr where
negate (AffineExpr constant coeffs) =
AffineExpr (negate constant) ( negate coeffs)

-- | Construct `Equals` constraint.
(.==) :: AffineExpr -> AffineExpr -> Constraint
(.==) lhs_expr rhs_expr = (lhs_expr - rhs_expr, Equals)

-- | Construct `LessEquals` constraint.
(.<=) :: AffineExpr -> AffineExpr -> Constraint
(.<=) lhs_expr rhs_expr = (lhs_expr - rhs_expr, LessEquals)

-- | Construct `GreaterEquals` constraint.
(.>=) :: AffineExpr -> AffineExpr -> Constraint
(.>=) lhs_expr rhs_expr = (lhs_expr - rhs_expr, GreaterEquals)

-- | Construct `GreaterThan` constraint.
(.>) :: AffineExpr -> AffineExpr -> Constraint
(.>) lhs_expr rhs_expr = (lhs_expr - rhs_expr, GreaterThan)

-- | Construct `LessThan` constraint.
(.<) :: AffineExpr -> AffineExpr -> Constraint
(.<) lhs_expr rhs_expr = (lhs_expr - rhs_expr, LessThan)

instance Show AffineExpr where
show (AffineExpr constant coeff_map) =
Expand All @@ -74,10 +94,17 @@ instance Show AffineExpr where
show_ratio ratio

show_var (var, coeff) =
show_signed coeff ++ "*x" ++ show var
if coeff == 1 then
"x" ++ show var
show_signed coeff ++ "*x" ++ show var

terms_showed :: [String]
terms_showed = fmap show_var (M.toList coeff_map) ++ [ show_signed constant | constant /= 0 ]
intercalate " + " (fmap show_var (M.toList coeff_map) ++ [ show_signed constant | constant /= 0 ])
case terms_showed of
[] -> "0"
_ -> intercalate "+" terms_showed

varsIn :: Constraint -> S.IntSet
varsIn (AffineExpr _ coeff_map, _) = M.keysSet coeff_map
Expand Down
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/Theory/LinearArithmatic/FourierMotzkin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ partitionByBound constraints var =
combine (as1, as2, as3) (bs1, bs2, bs3) =
(as1 ++ bs1, as2 ++ bs2, as3 ++ bs3)
foldr combine ([], [], []) $ go <$> constraints
foldr (combine . go) ([], [], []) constraints

Identifies a variable that has both upper- and lower bounds, if one exists, as in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,12 +70,18 @@ eliminate constraints = listToMaybe $ do
AffineExpr ub_const ub_coeffs <- upper_bounds
AffineExpr lb_const lb_coeffs <- lower_bounds
let left_hand_side = AffineExpr (lb_const - ub_const) (M.unionWith (+) lb_coeffs $ negate <$> ub_coeffs)
return $ normalize $ (left_hand_side, LessEquals)
return $ normalize (left_hand_side, LessEquals)

return (var, constraints_without_var ++ constraints_with_var_eliminated)

-- | TODO: a bit ad-hoc way to deal with equlities by just turing them into two inequalities.
-- I feel like there is a better way.
replaceEqualities :: Constraint -> [Constraint]
replaceEqualities (expr, Equals) = [ (expr, LessEquals), (expr, GreaterEquals) ]
replaceEqualities constraint = [ constraint ]

fourierMotzkin :: [Constraint] -> Maybe Assignment
fourierMotzkin = go . fmap normalize
fourierMotzkin = go . concatMap (replaceEqualities . normalize)
go :: [Constraint] -> Maybe Assignment
go constraints = do
Expand Down

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