A simple ldap server with search capabilities on people, locations, and groups.
Created to be used in conjunction with Grommet people finder.
This LDAP server provides 3 Organizational Unit (ou): people, locations, and groups.
This LDAP server runs on top of node and was implemented on top of ldapjs.
Represents Grommet contributors all over the globe.
Attribute | Description |
uid | required. person full name |
givenName | required. person first name |
sn | required. person last name |
manager | required. dn of the person's manager (e.g. [email protected], ou=people, o=grommet.io ) |
title | optional. work title of the person |
telephoneNumber | optional. person's phone number |
objectclass | set to "organizationalPerson" |
employeeNumber | optional. person's employee identification |
assistant: assistant | optional. dn of the person's assistant (e.g. [email protected], ou=people, o=grommet.io ) |
pictureThumbnailURI | optional. person thumbnail image |
pictureURI | optional. person regular size image (250x250) |
workName | optional. name of the work location. Defaults to "Grommet HQ" |
workLocation | optional. dn of the work location. Defaults to lid=PAL20, ou=locations, o=grommet.io |
workCity | optional. work location city. Defaults to "Palo Alto" |
workStreet | optional. work location street. Defaults to "3000 Hanover St." |
workPostalCode | optional. work location postal code. Defaults to "94304-1112" |
workState | optional. work location state. Defaults to "California" |
workCountry | optional. work location country. Defaults to "United States" |
- List all grommet people (returns cn and title only)
ldapsearch -x -h ldap.grommet.io -b "ou=people, o=grommet.io" cn title
Work locations for offices that have people contributing to Grommet.
Attribute | Description |
lid | required. unique code for the location (e.g. "PAL20") |
cn | required. unique code for the location (e.g. "PAL20") |
postalCode | required. location postal code |
postalAddress | required. full postal address separated by $ (e.g. "3000 Hanover St. $ Palo Alto $ California $ United States $ 94304-1112") |
street | required. location street |
st | required. location state |
l | required. location city |
co | required. location country |
c | required. location country short (e.g. "US") |
latitude | required. location latitude |
longitude | required. location longitude |
timeZone | required. location timezone difference from UTC (e.g. "+0200") |
telephoneNumber | optional. telephone number of the location |
category | optional. category for this location (e.g. "Headquarters") |
- List all grommet locations (returns lid and cn only)
ldapsearch -x -h ldap.grommet.io -b "ou=locations, o=grommet.io" lid cn
Groups for the Grommet.io organization (e.g. grommet-developers, grommet-designers, ...)
Attribute | Description |
cn | required. group name. |
description | required. useful description of the group's purpose. |
owner | required. DN list of the group owners (e.g. ["[email protected], ou=people, o=grommet.io "]) |
owner | required. DN list of the group members (e.g. ["[email protected], ou=people, o=grommet.io "]) |
- List all grommet groups
ldapsearch -x -h ldap.grommet.io -b "ou=groups, o=grommet.io"