A simple extension which aims to keep you off mind numbing sites like Facebook and Twitter (henceforth referred to as "the sites")
- Clone the repo
- Open Chrome and go to
- Enable developer mode
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the src folder
Install: The user is shown an onboarding page which includes buttons to to add typical sites to the extension
Settings: The user can manage existing sites added and add new ones.
Popup: If the user is on a site added to the extension, it shows stats about it including average time spent and average time predicted
Tab: When the user opens a new page, the extension checks if there is an existing "session" with the URL domain. If there is not, the extension creates a session and prompts the user to predict how long they will spend on the site.
If a tab is closed, the extension checks to see if all tabs on that domain are closed. If so, the extension ends the session and calculates the stats
When the user's predicted time elapses, the extension grayscales all tabs with the domain