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7-iv. Practical exercise solutions

This page presents solutions to exercises/assignments from throughout the workshop

Practical Exercise 1 - Software installation

To install bedtools:

cd $RNA_HOME/student_tools/
tar -zxvf bedtools-2.27.1.tar.gz
cd bedtools2/


  • What happens when you run bedtools without any options? The basic usage documentation is printed.
  • Where can you find detailed documentation on how to use bedtools?
  • How many general categories of analysis can you perform with bedtools? What are they? There are 8. They are 'Genome arithmetic', 'Multi-way file comparisons', 'Paired-end manipulation', 'Format conversion', 'Fasta manipulation', 'BAM focused tools', 'Statistical relationships', and 'Miscellaneous tools'.

Practical Exercise 2 - Reference Genomes

cd $RNA_HOME/refs
cat chr22_with_ERCC92.fa | perl -ne 'if ($_ =~ /\>22/){$chr22=1}; if ($_ =~ /\>ERCC/){$chr22=0}; if ($chr22){print "$_";}' > chr22_only.fa
cat chr22_only.fa | grep -v ">" | perl -ne 'chomp $_; $r+= $_ =~ tr/a/A/; $r += $_ =~ tr/c/C/; $r += $_ =~ tr/g/G/; $r += $_ =~ tr/t/T/; $l += length($_); if (eof){$p = sprintf("%.2f", ($r/$l)*100); print "\nrepeat bases = $r\ntotal bases = $l\npercent repeat bases = $p%\n\n"}'
cat chr22_only.fa | grep -v ">" | perl -ne 'chomp $_; $s = uc($_); print $_;' | perl -ne '$c += $_ =~ s/GAATTC/XXXXXX/g; if (eof){print "\nEcoRI site (GAATTC) count = $c\n\n";}'


  • How many bases on chromosome 22 correspond to repetitive elements? What is the percentage of the whole length? Of 50,818,468 total bases on chr 22, there are 21,522,339 that correspond to repetitive elements (42.35%).
  • How many occurences of the EcoRI restriction site are present in the chromosome 22 sequence? The EcoRI restriction enzyme recognition sequence is 5'-GAATTC-'3. Since this is a palendrome, the reverse complement is the same and we only have to search for one sequence in our string. After accounting for end of line breaks and case sensitivity we find 3,935 occurences of this sequence.

Practical Exercise 3 - Data

mkdir -p practice/data
cd $RNA_HOME/practice/data
tar -xvf practical.tar
ll -1 *.fastq.gz | wc -l
zcat hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1.fastq.gz | head -n 1
zcat hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1.fastq.gz | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | perl -ne '$_ = s/T/X/g; print "\n\n$_\n\n"'

zcat hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1.fastq.gz | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | grep -o T | wc


  • How many data files were contained in the 'practical.tar' archive? What commonly used sequence data file format are they? There are 12 data files in the package. Each is a FASTQ file that has been compressed.
  • In the first read of the hcc1395, normal, replicate 1, read 1 file, what was the physical location of the read on the flow cell (i.e. lane, tile, x, y)? Lane = 4, tile = 1101, x = 10003, y = 44458.
  • In the first read of this same file, how many 'T' bases are there? 32.

Practical Exercise 4 - Data QC

cd $RNA_HOME/practice/data
fastqc *.fastq.gz

Then, go to the following url in your browser:

  • http://YOUR_DNS_NAME/workspace/rnaseq/practice/data/
  • Note, you must replace YOUR_DNS_NAME with your own amazon instance IP or DNS (e.g.,
  • Click on any of the *_fastqc.html files to view the FastQC report (e.g., hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1_fastqc.html)


  • How many total sequences are there? 331,958
  • What is the range (x - y) of read lengths observed? 151
  • What is the most common average sequence quality score? 41
  • What does the Adaptor Content warning tell us? There is some evidence of Illumina Universal Adapter at the 3' ends of reads. This suggests that adapter trimming might be advisable for this data.

Practical Exercise 5 - Trim

cd $RNA_HOME/practice/data/
mkdir trimmed
flexbar --adapter-min-overlap 7 --adapter-trim-end RIGHT --adapters illumina_multiplex.fa --max-uncalled 300 --min-read-length 25 --threads 8 --zip-output GZ --reads hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1.fastq.gz --reads2 hcc1395_normal_rep1_r2.fastq.gz --target trimmed/hcc1395_normal_rep1
flexbar --adapter-min-overlap 7 --adapter-trim-end RIGHT --adapters illumina_multiplex.fa --max-uncalled 300 --min-read-length 25 --threads 8 --zip-output GZ --reads hcc1395_normal_rep2_r1.fastq.gz --reads2 hcc1395_normal_rep2_r2.fastq.gz --target trimmed/hcc1395_normal_rep2
flexbar --adapter-min-overlap 7 --adapter-trim-end RIGHT --adapters illumina_multiplex.fa --max-uncalled 300 --min-read-length 25 --threads 8 --zip-output GZ --reads hcc1395_normal_rep3_r1.fastq.gz --reads2 hcc1395_normal_rep3_r2.fastq.gz --target trimmed/hcc1395_normal_rep3

flexbar --adapter-min-overlap 7 --adapter-trim-end RIGHT --adapters illumina_multiplex.fa --max-uncalled 300 --min-read-length 25 --threads 8 --zip-output GZ --reads hcc1395_tumor_rep1_r1.fastq.gz --reads2 hcc1395_tumor_rep1_r2.fastq.gz --target trimmed/hcc1395_tumor_rep1
flexbar --adapter-min-overlap 7 --adapter-trim-end RIGHT --adapters illumina_multiplex.fa --max-uncalled 300 --min-read-length 25 --threads 8 --zip-output GZ --reads hcc1395_tumor_rep2_r1.fastq.gz --reads2 hcc1395_tumor_rep2_r2.fastq.gz --target trimmed/hcc1395_tumor_rep2
flexbar --adapter-min-overlap 7 --adapter-trim-end RIGHT --adapters illumina_multiplex.fa --max-uncalled 300 --min-read-length 25 --threads 8 --zip-output GZ --reads hcc1395_tumor_rep3_r1.fastq.gz --reads2 hcc1395_tumor_rep3_r2.fastq.gz --target trimmed/hcc1395_tumor_rep3

Compare these files using FastQC:

cd $RNA_HOME/practice/data/trimmed/
fastqc *.fastq.gz
  • http://YOUR_DNS_NAME/workspace/rnaseq/practice/data/hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1_fastqc.html
  • http://YOUR_DNS_NAME/workspace/rnaseq/practice/data/trimmed/hcc1395_normal_rep1_1_fastqc.html


  • After trimming, what is the range of read lengths observed for hcc1395 normal replicate 1, read 1? 25-151
  • Which sections of the FastQC report are most informative for observing the effect of trimming? 'Basic Statistics', 'Sequence Length Distribution', and 'Adapter Content'
  • In the 'Per base sequence content section', what pattern do you see? What could explain this pattern? The first 9 base positions show a spiky pattern, suggesting biased representation of each base near the beginning of our reads/fragments. One possible explanation is that random hexamer priming for cDNA synthesis during library prep is happening in a non-random way. i.e. certain random hexamers are favored, therefore the creation of fragments (and ultimately reads) has a non-random pattern near the beginning.

Practical Exercise 6 - Alignment

Perform alignments:

export RNA_HOME=~/workspace/rnaseq
export RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR=$RNA_HOME/practice/data
cd $RNA_HOME/practice/

mkdir -p alignments/hisat2
cd alignments/hisat2

hisat2 -p 8 --rg-id=HCC1395_normal_rep1 --rg SM:HCC1395_normal_rep1 --rg PL:ILLUMINA -x $RNA_REF_INDEX --dta --rna-strandness RF -1 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_normal_rep1_r1.fastq.gz -2 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_normal_rep1_r2.fastq.gz -S ./HCC1395_normal_rep1.sam
hisat2 -p 8 --rg-id=HCC1395_normal_rep2 --rg SM:HCC1395_normal_rep2 --rg PL:ILLUMINA -x $RNA_REF_INDEX --dta --rna-strandness RF -1 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_normal_rep2_r1.fastq.gz -2 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_normal_rep2_r2.fastq.gz -S ./HCC1395_normal_rep2.sam
hisat2 -p 8 --rg-id=HCC1395_normal_rep3 --rg SM:HCC1395_normal_rep3 --rg PL:ILLUMINA -x $RNA_REF_INDEX --dta --rna-strandness RF -1 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_normal_rep3_r1.fastq.gz -2 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_normal_rep3_r2.fastq.gz -S ./HCC1395_normal_rep3.sam

hisat2 -p 8 --rg-id=HCC1395_tumor_rep1 --rg SM:HCC1395_tumor_rep1 --rg PL:ILLUMINA -x $RNA_REF_INDEX --dta --rna-strandness RF -1 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_tumor_rep1_r1.fastq.gz -2 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_tumor_rep1_r2.fastq.gz -S ./HCC1395_tumor_rep1.sam
hisat2 -p 8 --rg-id=HCC1395_tumor_rep2 --rg SM:HCC1395_tumor_rep2 --rg PL:ILLUMINA -x $RNA_REF_INDEX --dta --rna-strandness RF -1 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_tumor_rep2_r1.fastq.gz -2 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_tumor_rep2_r2.fastq.gz -S ./HCC1395_tumor_rep2.sam
hisat2 -p 8 --rg-id=HCC1395_tumor_rep3 --rg SM:HCC1395_tumor_rep3 --rg PL:ILLUMINA -x $RNA_REF_INDEX --dta --rna-strandness RF -1 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_tumor_rep3_r1.fastq.gz -2 $RNA_PRACTICE_DATA_DIR/hcc1395_tumor_rep3_r2.fastq.gz -S ./HCC1395_tumor_rep3.sam

Sort and convert SAM to BAM:

samtools sort -@ 8 -o HCC1395_normal_rep1.bam HCC1395_normal_rep1.sam
samtools sort -@ 8 -o HCC1395_normal_rep2.bam HCC1395_normal_rep2.sam 
samtools sort -@ 8 -o HCC1395_normal_rep3.bam HCC1395_normal_rep3.sam
samtools sort -@ 8 -o HCC1395_tumor_rep1.bam HCC1395_tumor_rep1.sam
samtools sort -@ 8 -o HCC1395_tumor_rep2.bam HCC1395_tumor_rep2.sam
samtools sort -@ 8 -o HCC1395_tumor_rep3.bam HCC1395_tumor_rep3.sam

Merge HISAT2 BAM files

java -Xmx2g -jar $RNA_HOME/tools/picard.jar MergeSamFiles OUTPUT=HCC1395_normal.bam INPUT=HCC1395_normal_rep1.bam INPUT=HCC1395_normal_rep2.bam INPUT=HCC1395_normal_rep3.bam
java -Xmx2g -jar $RNA_HOME/tools/picard.jar MergeSamFiles OUTPUT=HCC1395_tumor.bam INPUT=HCC1395_tumor_rep1.bam INPUT=HCC1395_tumor_rep2.bam INPUT=HCC1395_tumor_rep3.bam


  • What is the difference between a .sam and .bam file? The '.sam' or SAM file is a plain text sequence alignment map file. The '.bam' or BAM file is a binary compressed version of this same information.
  • If you sorted the resulting BAM file as we did above, is the result sorted by read name? Or position? It is sorted by position.
  • Which columns of the BAM file can be viewed to determine the style of sorting? The first, third and fourth columns contain the read name, chromosome, and position. Try samtools view HCC1395_normal.bam | head | cut -f 1,3,4 to confirm the sorting style.
  • What command can you use to view only the BAM header? Try samtools view -H HCC1395_normal.bam

Practical Exercise 7 - Visualize

cd $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2
samtools index HCC1395_normal.bam
samtools index HCC1395_tumor.bam

Start IGV on your laptop. Load the HCC1395_normal.bam & HCC1395_tumor.bam files in IGV. You can load the necessary files in IGV directly from your web accessible amazon workspace (see below) using 'File' -> 'Load from URL'.

HCC1395BL (normal) alignment: http://YOUR_DNS_NAME/workspace/rnaseq/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_normal.bam

HCC1395 tumor alignment: http://YOUR_DNS_NAME/workspace/rnaseq/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_tumor.bam


  • Load your merged normal and tumor BAM files into IGV. Navigate to this location on chromosome 22: 'chr22:38,466,394-38,508,115'. What do you see here? How would you describe the direction of transcription for the two genes? Does the reported strand for the reads aligned to each of these genes appear to make sense? How do you modify IGV settings to see the strand clearly? This region contains two genes, 'KDELR3' and 'DDX17'. With repect to direction of transcription, these genes are arranged in a tail-to-tail fashion (their transcription end points are coming together). KDELR3 is transcribed from the '+ve' or 'top' strand (left to right) and DDX17 is transcribed from the '-ve' or 'bottom' strand (right to left). Yes, the reads aligned appear to correspond to the expected strand of transcription. To view this pattern, do an option click within the alignment track and select 'Color alignments by' and 'first-of-pair strand' from the viewing options. You can do this for both normal and tumor alignment tracks seperately.
  • How can we modify IGV to color reads by Read Group? How many read groups are there for each sample (tumor & normal)? What are your read group names for the tumor sample? To see the read group of each read cleary, do an option click within the alignment track and select 'Color alignments by' and 'read group'. By viewing the colors of reads and info for individual reads we can see there are 3 read groups for normal, and 3 for tumor. The names will be what you specified during your alignment command. For example: 'HCC1395_tumor_rep1', 'HCC1395_tumor_rep2', 'HCC1395_tumor_rep3'.
  • What are the options for visualizing splicing or alternative splicing patterns in IGV? Navigate to this location on chromosome 22: 'chr22:40,363,200-40,367,500'. What splicing event do you see? There are two main options for viewing splicing patterns in IGV. You can option click within the alignment track and select 'Show Splice Junction Track', or you can select the 'Sashimi Plot' option. In this region you should see an alternative splicing pattern for the gene ADSL, where a cassette exon is either included or skipped. The exon skipping isoform appears to be the minor isoform.

Practical Exercise 8 - Expression

cd $RNA_HOME/practice/
mkdir -p expression/stringtie/ref_only/
cd expression/stringtie/ref_only/

stringtie -p 8 -G $RNA_REF_GTF -e -B -o HCC1395_tumor_rep1/transcripts.gtf $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_tumor_rep1.bam
stringtie -p 8 -G $RNA_REF_GTF -e -B -o HCC1395_tumor_rep2/transcripts.gtf $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_tumor_rep2.bam
stringtie -p 8 -G $RNA_REF_GTF -e -B -o HCC1395_tumor_rep3/transcripts.gtf $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_tumor_rep3.bam

stringtie -p 8 -G $RNA_REF_GTF -e -B -o HCC1395_normal_rep1/transcripts.gtf $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_normal_rep1.bam
stringtie -p 8 -G $RNA_REF_GTF -e -B -o HCC1395_normal_rep2/transcripts.gtf $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_normal_rep2.bam
stringtie -p 8 -G $RNA_REF_GTF -e -B -o HCC1395_normal_rep3/transcripts.gtf $RNA_HOME/practice/alignments/hisat2/HCC1395_normal_rep3.bam

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