Simple echo sonos controller using flask-ask and SoCo frameworks
Clone repo
git clone
Install soco
pip install soco --user
Install flask-ask
pip install flask-ask --user
Install ngrok
Follow instructions here and here to create the skill
Copy the following into intent schema:
"intents": [
"intent": "AMAZON.PauseIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.ResumeIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.NextIntent"
"intent": "VolumeUpIntent"
"intent": "VolumeDownIntent"
"intent": "PlayIntent"
"intent": "StopIntent"
Copy the following into the sample utterances:
PlayIntent play
VolumeUpIntent volume up
VolumeDownIntent volume down
VolumeUpIntent turn up the jams
VolumeDownIntent pipe it down
StopIntent stop
Run the flask app
Run ngrok
ngrok http 5000
Copy the ngrok https url to global endpoint
SIDE NOTES: To interface with alexa, you would say:
Alexa, tell <skill_name> to <command_name>
You are only able to do basic control functions (this is really just so I can control pandora on sonos with voice). The available control functions thus far are:
- play
- pause (accessible with "stop" as well)
- next
- volume up (accessible with "pump up the jams" as well)
- volume down (accessible with "pipe it down" as well)
The computer that you are running this from must be on the same network as your sonos speakers. It will work if you are using a bridge or boost setup.