A simple cross-compiled Clojure(Script) library to handle encoding binary data in different bases using defined alphabets. If you've ever wanted a simple way to encode a byte array as hexadecimal, base32, or base58, this library is for you!
Library releases are published on Clojars. To use the latest version, add the following dependency to your project:
namespace for generic byte-array handlingalphabase.core
with arbitrary alphabet support- Built-in bases
, andalphabase.base58
=> (require '[alphabase.bytes :as b]
'[alphabase.base32 :as b32]
'[alphabase.base58 :as b58]
'[alphabase.hex :as hex])
=> (def data (b/random-bytes 32))
=> (hex/encode data)
=> (b/bytes= data (hex/decode *1))
=> (b32/encode data)
=> (b/bytes= data (b32/decode *1))
;; base32 is case-insensitive
=> (b/bytes= data (b32/decode (clojure.string/lower-case *2)))
=> (b58/encode data)
=> (b/bytes= data (b58/decode *1))
The unit tests can be run using the following commands:
# Clojure tests
bin/test clj
# ClojureScript tests on Node
bin/test cljs
For a REPL, you can use these:
# Clojure REPL
# ClojureScript REPL
bin/repl cljs
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.