Notes and code for Bayesian ecosystem modeling IAP course
Session #1: Jan 16
- Installing PyStan
- Introduce ecosystem equations
- Simulate from the ecosystem model
- Generate synthetic observations
- First fit of the model to data in Stan
Session #2: Jan 23
- How to plot and analyze output from a Bayesian analysis
- How to make predictions from a Bayesian model
- Analyze how parameter and prediction uncertainty varies with size and dimension of observational dataset
Session #3: Jan 30
- Extend the plankton ecosystem model to include a fish population
- Fit the model to plankton + fish populations
- Use the fitted model to make predictions (and quantify uncertainty!) about the amount of fishing the ecosystem can support
If you are using Anaconda, it recommended that you first update conda by issuing
conda update --all
and then issue
conda install pystan
If you are not using Anaconda, issue
pip install pystan
Jupyter notebooks should already be installed if you are using Anaconda. You should be able navigate to the directory containing your notebooks and issue
jupyter notebook
to launch the interactive notebooks in a browser window.
If you are using Python 3 without Anaconda, you can install jupyter notebooks via
pip3 install jupyter
If you are using Python 2 without Anaconda, you can install jupyter notebooks via
pip install jupyter
then you can navigate to the directory containing your notebooks and issue
jupyter notebook