GPU accelerated distance matrix calculation
python3.6 has been used to test out the repository. The installation uses anaconda, but it is not necessary.
A GPU that uses CUDA is necessary.
Use this following command to install all required packages.
pip install git+
You need to set correct path to cuda
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-X.X/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-X.X/lib64\{LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${$LIBRARY_PATH}}
Here X.X is you cuda version e.g., 9.2, 10.0 etc. The code have only been tested for cuda9.2 and cuda10.0.
from numbaDistanceMatrix.cudaDistanceMatrix import DistanceMatrix
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import numpy as np
n = 200
X = np.random.rand(n, n).astype(np.float32)
Calculate the distance matrix
DM = DistanceMatrix()
Get particular entry in distance matrix.
Check correctness for under triangle.
SKlearn_under = cosine_similarity(X)[np.tril_indices(n, k=-1)]
under_dist = DM.get_distance_matrix(fullMatrix=False)
np.allclose(np.sort(under_dist), np.sort(SKlearn_under))
Retrieve full distance matrix if necessary.
SKlearn_full = cosine_similarity(X)
DM_full = DM.get_distance_matrix(fullMatrix=True)
np.allclose(SKlearn_full, DM_full)
The GPU allows for substantial speed up for larger matrices. It speeds up both thicker and smaller matrices (see figure one below).
Efficient memory usage is attained by only calculating the under-triangle. This is possible since the distance matrix is symmetric i.e., D(i,j) = D(j,i). Only calculating the under-triangle is done by dividing the matrix into smaller sub-matrices and only storing the values below the diagonal, see figure two below.
The memory storage is
Even though it is not asymptotically better, it still used less than half of the memory.
To find the entry for (i,j) still only takes
Since there is a unique mapping for each tuple (i,j) to l in the under triangle, see figure below.
For completeness, if j=1,2,3,...,(n-1) and i < j then just use equation 1 in the figure above. However, use i -> j and j -> i since it's the matrix D is symmetrical i.e., D(i,j)=D(j,i)=A(l(i,j))= A(l(j,i)). For instance, D(2,3)=D(3,2)=A(l(2,3))=A(l(3,2)). In the third case when i=j, the output is always 1 since a distance matrix D(i,j)=D(i,i)=1. Hence, the diagonal dont need to be explicity stored.
- Markus Ekvall
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details