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ONgDB 1.0 Changelog
Brad Nussbaum edited this page Oct 30, 2023
14 revisions
- ONGDB-288 - Upgrade netty to 4.1.75.Final to fix security vulnerabilities
- ONGDB-317 - Upgrade com.hazelcast:hazelcast-all to 3.12.12
- ONGDB-318 - Bump co.unruly:java-8-matchers to 1.6
- ONGDB-399 - Bump shiro-core from 1.9.1 to 1.10.0
- ONGDB-400 - Bump jackson-databind from 2.13.3 to
- ONGDB-401 - Bump jetty-server from 9.4.46.v20220331 to 9.4.51.v20230217
- ONGDB-304 - Fixes KeyStores with multiple certificates are not supported
- ONGDB-311 - Bump shiro-core to 1.9.1
- ONGDB-312 - Fixes metric output with incorrect names
- ONGDB-313 - Fixes usage data keys to be consistent
- ONGDB-314 - Adds 2021b Pacific/Kanton timezone
- ONGDB-294 - Upgrade to Jackson 2.13.3
- ONGDB-299 - Upgrade io.netty:netty-all to 4.1.44.Final to fix high security vulnerability
- ONGDB-301 - Upgrade com.hazelcast:hazelcast-all to 3.10.1 to fix high security vulnerability
- ONGDB-300 - Upgrade org.mozilla:rhino to 1.7.12 to fix high security vulnerability
- ONGDB-295 - Upgrade maven-gpg-plugin to 3.0.1
- ONGDB-296 - Upgrade nexus-staging-maven-plugin to 1.6.13
- ONGDB-302 - Upgrade com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to 8.29 to fix medium security vulnerability
- ONGDB-284 - Upgrade org.eclipse.jetty version to 9.4.46
- ONGDB-285 - Upgrade junit to 4.13.2
- ONGDB-287 - Remove unused log4j dependency
- ONGDB-289 - Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.13 to fix security vulnerabilities
- ONGDB-291 - Upgrade bcprov-jdk15on to 1.70
- ONGDB-292 - Upgrade gson from 2.8.2 to 2.8.9
- ONGDB-293 - Upgrade netty to 4.1.42.Final to fix security vulnerability
- ONGDB-274 – TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 are no longer supported and expected to fail
- ONGDB-276 – Upgrade Shiro to 1.9.0
- ONGDB-280 – Remove log4j 1.2.17 to fix critical vulnerability
- ONGDB-281 – Upgrade commons-compress to 1.21 to fix high vulnerabilities
- ONGDB-283 – Upgrade org.eclipse.jetty version to 9.4.12.v20180830
- ONGDB-249 – Bump httpclient from 4.5.2 to 4.5.13
- ONGDB-250 – Bump shiro-core from 1.5.3 to 1.6.0
- ONGDB-253 – Bump ONgDB Browser to 1.0.0
- ONGDB-111 - Apache Shiro is outdated and needs latest security patches
- ONGDB-135 - Upgrade maven-shade-plugin to more recent version
- ONGDB-210 - ONgDB should have proper authentication realm
- ONGDB-220 - Support Java Driver 1.7.5
- ONGDB-227 - BoltCausalClusteringIT tests failing for updated java driver to 1.7.5
- ONGDB-236 - Update build system tooling
- ONGDB-237 - BoltCausalClusteringIT test failing on release because database cannot receive writes as a follower
- ONGDB-238 - Nexus release failing javadoc stage for procedure-compiler-integration-tests
- ONGDB-239 - Disable UDC by default
- ONGDB-240 - ONgDB needs proper server config for threads
- ONGDB-241 - Metrics should be output with ongdb group
- ONGDB-243 - Windows packaging needs updated properly for ONgDB
- ONGDB-244 - Windows package failing to startup with invalid start command
- ONGDB-245 - Improve packaged ongdb.config with better defaults
- ONGDB-248 - ONgDB service fails to start on Windows with service 'ongdb' not found
- ONGDB-11 - Dependency version must be valid version for cypher compatibility
- ONGDB-12 - Execution list-all-licenses fails because dependencies could not be resolved
- ONGDB-13 - Missing license requirements files
- ONGDB-14 - Restart version to 1.0.0
- ONGDB-15 - Generated NOTICE.txt should not differ from existing but contains Objenesis
- ONGDB-16 - Generated NOTICE.txt should not differ for asm in neo4j-codegen
- ONGDB-17 - Generated NOTICE.txt should not differ for commons in procedure-compiler-integration-tests
- ONGDB-18 - ContinuousThresholdPolicy is not abstract and does not override abstract method createThreshold
- ONGDB-19 - Unable to find configuration file at location: build/checkstyle.xml
- ONGDB-20 - Resource headers not found in file system, classpath or URL
- ONGDB-21 - Some files do not have the expected license header
- ONGDB-22 - Missing, wrong or duplicated license header for enterprise modules
- ONGDB-23 - VolumetricCheckPointPolicy is not abstract and does not override abstract method createThreshold
- ONGDB-24 - File not found: Could not find resource 'notice-agpl-prefix.txt'
- ONGDB-25 - Add "release-public" maven profile
- ONGDB-26 - The year field in the NOTICE file header template needs to be updated
- ONGDB-27 - Generated NOTICE.txt header does not match existing for enterprise kernel
- ONGDB-28 - Lucene Memory should be removed from notices and licenses where not used
- ONGDB-29 - Introduce properties to manage enterprise and community fork years
- ONGDB-30 - Change groupId to org.graphfoundation.ongdb
- ONGDB-31 - Change artifactId to ongdb
- ONGDB-32 - Change name and description to ONgDB
- ONGDB-33 - Fixup license and notices after groupId changes to include neo4j and cypher
- ONGDB-34 - Missing exclusions of older neo4j versions causing compile issues
- ONGDB-35 - KernelTransactionImplementation actual and formal argument lists differ in length
- ONGDB-36 - StubKernelTransaction is not abstract and does not override abstract method startTimeNanos() in KernelTransaction
- ONGDB-37 - EnterpriseSecurityModule incompatible types: int cannot be converted to Config
- ONGDB-38 - Notice and License should not contain Objenesis
- ONGDB-39 - LdapCachingTest incompatible types: int cannot be converted to Config
- ONGDB-40 - Incompatible types: int cannot be converted to org.neo4j.kernel.configuration.Config
- ONGDB-41 - Notice and License should not contain Apache Commons BeanUtils and Collections
- ONGDB-42 - EnterpriseReadReplicaEditionModule method createFileSystemWatcherService in class org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.EditionModule cannot be applied to given types
- ONGDB-43 - EnterpriseCoreEditionModule method createFileSystemWatcherService in class org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.EditionModule cannot be applied to given types
- ONGDB-44 - VersionContextTrackingIT method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
- ONGDB-45 - HighlyAvailableEditionModule method createFileSystemWatcherService in class org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.EditionModule cannot be applied to given types
- ONGDB-46 - SchemaIndexHaIT newPopulatingUpdater in ControlledIndexPopulator cannot implement newPopulatingUpdater in IndexPopulator
- ONGDB-47 - Notice and License need updated for enterprise modules
- ONGDB-48 - SlotAllocation error: wrong number of arguments for pattern LoadCSV
- ONGDB-49 - error: not enough arguments for constructor ProcedureSignature
- ONGDB-50 - error: not enough arguments for method apply
- ONGDB-51 - error: wrong number of arguments for pattern
- ONGDB-52 - error: too many arguments for method apply
- ONGDB-53 - error: not enough arguments for method apply
- ONGDB-54 - ListQueriesProcedureTests fail with missing cpuTimeMillis
- ONGDB-56 - EnterpriseSecurityModuleTest fails on shouldNotFailNativeWithPluginAuthorizationProvider
- ONGDB-57 - EnterpriseAuthenticationIT tests fail with timeout waiting for log to contain client is unauthorized due to authentication failure
- ONGDB-59 - Support more recent openCycpher specification
- ONGDB-60 - Procedure db.createUniquePropertyConstraint call does not provide the required number of arguments: got 0 expected 2.
- ONGDB-61 - Procedure db.createIndex call does not provide the required number of arguments: got 0 expected 2.
- ONGDB-62 - SlotAllocationTest fails foreach allocates on left hand side with node list
- ONGDB-63 - TypeConversionTest fails should not allow adding node and number
- ONGDB-64 - Cypher Acceptance Specification Suite failures group
- ONGDB-65 - SpatialIndexResultsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality query should give same answer for indexed and non-indexed property
- ONGDB-66 - SpatialIndexResultsAcceptanceTest failure | indexed points in 3D cartesian space - range queries
- ONGDB-67 - SpatialIndexResultsAcceptanceTest failure | indexed points 3D WGS84 space - range queries
- ONGDB-68 - SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on co-located points in 3D
- ONGDB-69 - SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on nearby points in 3D
- ONGDB-70 - SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on distant points in 3D
- ONGDB-71 - SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on 3D cartesian points
- ONGDB-72 - SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should return null if provided with points with different dimensions
- ONGDB-73 - BuiltInProcedureAcceptanceTest failure | should be able to find indexes from built-in-procedure
- ONGDB-74 - EagerizationAcceptanceTest failure | matching on relationship property existence, writing same property should not be eager
- ONGDB-75 - SyntaxExceptionAcceptanceTest failure | should raise error when missing return columns
- ONGDB-76 - SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | FROM should generate error
- ONGDB-77 - SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | INTO should generate error
- ONGDB-78 - SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | projecting graphs should generate error
- ONGDB-79 - SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | should fail if using a hint on a node and not using the property
- ONGDB-80 - UsingAcceptanceTest failure | should handle join hint solved multiple times
- ONGDB-81 - HintAcceptanceTest failure | should do index seek instead of index scan with explicit index seek hint
- ONGDB-82 - MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | from graph
- ONGDB-83 - MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | into graph
- ONGDB-84 - MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | return named graph
- ONGDB-85 - MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | project a graph
- ONGDB-86 - SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | point function should work with literal map and srid
- ONGDB-87 - SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | point function should work with node with some invalid properties
- ONGDB-88 - SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality on cartesian points
- ONGDB-89 - SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality on geographic points
- ONGDB-90 - SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality on 3D points
- ONGDB-91 - ProfilerAcceptanceTest failure | LIMIT should influence cardinality estimation by default value when expression contains timestamp()
- ONGDB-92 - ProcedureCallSupportAcceptanceTest failure | Fail when trying to pass arbitrary object in and out of a procedure
- ONGDB-94 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "DurationBetweenAcceptance": Scenario "Should compute duration between two temporals"
- ONGDB-96 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "PatternExpressionAcceptance": Scenario "Nested pattern comprehensions 2"
- ONGDB-97 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "PatternExpressionAcceptance": Scenario "Nested pattern comprehensions 4"
- ONGDB-98 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "MatchAcceptance": Scenario "Filter on path nodes"
- ONGDB-99 - Remove morsel runtime config and blocklist
- ONGDB-100 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "ProcedureCallAcceptance": Scenario "Standalone call to unknown procedure should fail"
- ONGDB-101 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "ProcedureCallAcceptance": Scenario "In-query call to unknown procedure should fail"
- ONGDB-102 - Remove use or reference to Java 9
- ONGDB-104 - Integration tests module needs NOTICE and LICENSE updates
- ONGDB-105 - FlatFileStressBase incompatible types: int cannot be converted to Config
- ONGDB-106 - Enable Integration Tests
- ONGDB-107 - HalfCreatedConstraintIT method indexRuleDoAdd in interface TransactionState cannot be applied to given types
- ONGDB-108 - SslNegotiationTest failures group
- ONGDB-110 - SslNegotiationTest improvements from 3.3
- ONGDB-112 - UserFunctionIT failure | shouldListAllUserDefinedFunctions
- ONGDB-113 - Enable Stress Tests
- ONGDB-114 - Stress tests module needs NOTICE and LICENSE updates
- ONGDB-115 - gpg: "--no-use-agent" is an obsolete option
- ONGDB-116 - Could not read licensing requirements file: licensing/licensing-requirements-base.xml
- ONGDB-117 - TimeZonesTest failure | weSupportAllJavaZoneIds unknown tzid 'America/Nuuk'
- ONGDB-118 - TimeZonesTest failure | tzidsOrderMustNotChange
- ONGDB-119 - Enable Tools module
- ONGDB-120 - Enable Packaging module
- ONGDB-121 - StoreMigration cannot find symbol IMMEDIATE
- ONGDB-122 - Tools module needs NOTICE and LICENSE updates
- ONGDB-123 - Could not find artifact org.neo4j.build:licensecheck-config
- ONGDB-124 - Could not read licensing requirements file: licensing-requirements-browser.xml
- ONGDB-125 - File not found: Could not find resource 'notice-gpl-prefix.txt'.
- ONGDB-126 - Licensing plugin should exclude org.graphfoundation.ongdb group instead of org.neo4j
- ONGDB-127 - Packaging module needs NOTICE and LICENSE updates
- ONGDB-128 - Update community assembly descriptor for groupId changes to org.graphfoundation.ongdb
- ONGDB-130 - RejectTransportEncryptionIT failure with message Remote host terminated the handshake
- ONGDB-131 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "ProcedureCallAcceptance": Scenario "Standalone call to unknown procedure should fail" failed with message: Wrong error type: expected ProcedureError, got ProcedureNotFound
- ONGDB-132 - AcceptanceTests failure | Feature "ProcedureCallAcceptance": Scenario "In-query call to unknown procedure should fail" failed with message: Wrong error type: expected ProcedureError, got ProcedureNotFound
- ONGDB-134 - Some modules are missing appropriate headers
- ONGDB-136 - AcceptanceTests and TCKTests should be broken out by compatibility groups
- ONGDB-137 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalSelectAcceptance": Scenario "Should select time into local date time"
- ONGDB-138 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalParseAcceptance": Scenario "Should parse time from string"
- ONGDB-139 - TCKTests failure | Feature "DurationBetweenAcceptance": Scenario "Should compute duration between two temporals in seconds"
- ONGDB-140 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalArithmeticAcceptance": Scenario "Should add or subtract duration to or from time"
- ONGDB-141 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalCreateAcceptance": Scenario "Should store date time"
- ONGDB-142 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalSelectAcceptance": Scenario "Should select datetime into local date time"
- ONGDB-143 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalSelectAcceptance": Scenario "Should select time"
- ONGDB-144 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalArithmeticAcceptance": Scenario "Should add or subtract durations"
- ONGDB-145 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalCreateAcceptance": Scenario "Should construct date"
- ONGDB-146 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalAccessorAcceptance": Scenario "Should provide accessors for date in last weekYear"
- ONGDB-147 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalCreateAcceptance": Scenario "Should store duration"
- ONGDB-148 - TCKTests failure | Feature "TemporalToStringAcceptance": Scenario "Should serialize local date time"
- ONGDB-149 - TCKTests failure | Blocklisted Test: Feature "ProcedureCallAcceptance": Scenario "Standalone call to unknown procedure should fail"
- ONGDB-150 - TCKTests failure | Blocklisted Test: Feature "ProcedureCallAcceptance": Scenario "In-query call to unknown procedure should fail"
- ONGDB-151 - TCKTests failure | Feature "NullOperator": Scenario "Property not null check on null node"
- ONGDB-152 - TCKTests failure | Feature "NullOperator": Scenario "Property null check on optional non-null node"
- ONGDB-153 - Remove filter for tests with encoding problems
- ONGDB-154 - TCKTests no longer require explicit tear down to close resources
- ONGDB-155 - TCKTests Unexpectedly succeeded in blocklisted scenario
- ONGDB-156 - TCKTests failures have Scenarios that all need added to blocklist
- ONGDB-157 - AcceptanceTest blocklist should be organized alphabetically
- ONGDB-160 - TCKTest blocklist should be organized alphabetically
- ONGDB-164 - TCKTests failure | Feature "NullOperator": Scenario "Property null check on null node"
- ONGDB-165 - Start with Neo4j Enterprise 3.4.0-rc02 under pure AGPLv3
- ONGDB-166 - Align all versions to 3.4.18
- ONGDB-167 - Ignore failing modules to focus on each one at a time
- ONGDB-168 - Add Neo4j Community 3.4.18 GPLv3 code
- ONGDB-169 - ONgDB bin needs proper bin commands
- ONGDB-170 - Update default username and password to be ongdb/ongdb
- ONGDB-171 - Purge all Neo4j and Cypher trademarks
- ONGDB-172 - Use ongdb-browser version 1.0.0-beta01
- ONGDB-173 - Update readme to reflect ONgDB
- ONGDB-178 - Temporal Features are not supported by AcceptanceTests
- ONGDB-179 - AGPLv3 copyright header needs update to include Graph Foundation
- ONGDB-180 - GPLv3 copyright header needs update to include Graph Foundation
- ONGDB-181 - AcceptanceTests that are passing need removed from blocklist
- ONGDB-182 - TCKTests are both passing and failing and need bypassed
- ONGDB-184 - License headers need updated for Graph Foundation
- ONGDB-185 - POMs should have consistent formatting
- ONGDB-186 - Apache2 copyright header needs update to include Graph Foundation
- ONGDB-187 - Update configuration for ONgDB
- ONGDB-189 - Issue and contributing templates needs to be updated
- ONGDB-190 - Update URLs for Graph Foundation
- ONGDB-191 - Certificates should be for ONgDB
- ONGDB-192 - Environment vars should be for ONgDB
- ONGDB-193 - Add build status to Readme
- ONGDB-194 - Fix tests that fail because of license header changes
- ONGDB-196 - Server running should be for ONgDB
- ONGDB-197 - ONgDB needs to use Geequel Shell
- ONGDB-199 - ONgDB should use ongdb_home
- ONGDB-200 - ONgDB should use ongdb_version
- ONGDB-201 - ONgDB should use ongdb_ldap_test_keystore.jks
- ONGDB-202 - ONgDB root references should be ongdb-root
- ONGDB-203 - ONgDB instance description should be used
- ONGDB-204 - ONgDB should have ongdb-admin
- ONGDB-205 - ONgDB should have proper version and edition usage
- ONGDB-206 - ONgDB Kernel should use proper name
- ONGDB-207 - ONgDB should have a proper log
- ONGDB-208 - ONgDB uses Geequel
- ONGDB-209 - ONgDB needs proper packaging directories for home, data, logs, etc.
- ONGDB-212 - ONgDB needs a proper pid file
- ONGDB-213 - ONgDB is developed by Graph Foundaiton
- ONGDB-214 - ONgDB version variables need updated
- ONGDB-215 - Update server message when ONgDB is already running
- ONGDB-216 - ONgDB needs to package Geequel Shell
- ONGDB-217 - ONgDB should have proper references as "ongdb"
- ONGDB-218 - Packaging scripts need updated for ONgDB
- ONGDB-219 - Use proper edition names for ONgDB Community and Enterprise
- ONGDB-221 - Security test fixes after default username and password change
- ONGDB-223 - Bolt version needs to be compatible with driver checks
- ONGDB-225 - ONgDB should have proper names for home directory, database and manual
- ONGDB-226 - Packaging should successfully invoke main class
- ONGDB-228 - ONgDB should have proper name refresh for Server
- ONGDB-229 - BoltCausalClusteringIT test fails because leader went away mid session
- ONGDB-231 - Final sweep before 1.0.0-alpha01 to cleanup restricted trademarks
- ONGDB-233 - Use ONgDB Browser 1.0.0-rc01
- ONGDB-235 - Finalize build management system for release