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granny edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 26 revisions

Installing Pl3xMap is quite easy.

  1. Download the jar and place it in your server's plugins/mods directory. (plugins for bukkit-based servers, mods for fabric/forge)
  2. Start your server to let all the default configs and web files generate.
  3. Edit the configuration to your liking.
  4. Restart your server to ensure changes go into effect. (a reload might not be sufficient enough depending on the changes you've made, so just do a /stop and start it back up)
  5. Be sure you check the console/logs to ensure everything worked and no errors were present during startup.

Once you've followed the steps above, you can access your newly set-up map by opening http://your-ip:port in your browser. Your ip being the ip/domain you use to connect to your server, and the port being the one set in config.yml.

⚠️ Note ⚠️
Pl3xMap uses port 8080 by default, this can be changed in the config.yml file.
Some server hosts may have port restrictions. It is up to you to
contact your host to find out what ports you have available to you.

You are now running the map using the built in internal web server. If you already have an external web server (or want to add one) follow the external server instructions.

Your map will be empty at this point, and this is normal. You will need to wait a few seconds or even a few minutes for the initial renders to finish.