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Graham Pugh edited this page Oct 30, 2024 · 8 revisions is a wrapper script for utilising the JamfUploader AutoPkg processors without recipes.

My primary use-case for this is testing new features and bugs in the processors, but it could be used for standalone workflows, as a replacement for the Standalone upload scripts.

Use Requires AutoPkg to be installed, but it shouldn't need to be configured. However, you do need to supply credentials to interact with Jamf Pro, either using the --url, --user and --pass options, or by pointing to a prefs file containing those values (e.g. an existing AutoPkg prefs file), with the --prefs option.

Here are the possible options:

./ [object_type] [--help] [arguments]
Valid object types:
    group | computergroup
    groupdelete | computergroupdelete
    profile | computerprofile
    ea | extensionattribute
    pkg | package
    pkgcalc | packagerecalculate
    restriction | softwarerestriction

    --prefs <path>          Inherit AutoPkg prefs file provided by the full path to the file
    -v[vvv]                 Set value of verbosity
    --url <JSS_URL>         The Jamf Pro URL
    --user <API_USERNAME>   The API username
    --pass <API_PASSWORD>   The API user's password
    --clientid <ID>         An API Client ID
    --clientsecret <string> An API Client Secret
    --recipe-dir <RECIPE_DIR>

Account arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --type <string>         The account type. Must be 'user' or 'group'.
    --template <path>       XML template
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Category arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --priority <int>        The priority
    --replace               Replace existing item

Computer Group arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Computer Group Delete arguments:
    --name <string>         The computer group name

Computer Profile arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --payload <path>        A profile payload
    --mobileconfig <path>   A mobileconfig file
    --identifier <string>   Identifier for the profile
    --category <string>     The category. Must exist.
    --organization <string> Organisation for the profile
    --description <string>  Description for the profile
    --computergroup <str>   Computer Group to set as target in the profile
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the script. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item
    --retain-scope          Retain existing scope when updating an item

Dock Item arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --type <string>         Type of Dock Item - either 'App', 'File' or 'Folder'
    --path <string>         Path of Dock Item - e.g. 'file:///Applications/'
    --replace               Replace existing item

Extension Attribute arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --script <path>         Full path of the script to be uploaded
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Icon arguments:
    --icon <path>           Full path to an icon file
    --icon-uri <url>        The icon URI from

LDAP Server arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Mac App Store App arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --cloned-from           The name of the Mac App Store app from which to clone
    --template <path>       XML template
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Mobile Device Group arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Mobile Device Profile arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --mobileconfig <path>   A mobileconfig file
    --identifier <string>   Identifier for the profile
    --category <string>     The category. Must exist.
    --organization <string> Organisation for the profile
    --description <string>  Description for the profile
    --mobiledevicegroup <string>
                            Mobile Device Group to set as target in the profile
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the script. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Package arguments:
    --name <string>         The package display name
    --pkg_name <path>       The package filename
    --pkg <path>            Full path to the package to upload
    --priority <int>        The priority
    --category <string>     The category. Must exist.
    --smb-url <url>         URL of the fileshare distribution point (on premises Jamf Pro only)
    --smb-user <SMB_USERNAME>
                            Username with share access
    --smb_pass <SMB_PASSWORD>
                            Password of the user
    --info <string>         Pkg information field
    --notes <string>        Pkg notes field
    --reboot_required       Set the 'reboot required' option
    --os-requirement <string>
                            Set OS requirement for the pkg
    --required-processor <string>
                            Set CPU type requirement for the pkg
    --send-notification     Set to send a notification when the package is installed
    --replace-pkg-metadata  Set to replace the pkg metadata if no package is uploaded
    --skip-metadata-upload  Set to skip pkg metadata upload
    --replace               Replace existing item
    --jcds                  Deprecated, ignored 
    --jcds2                 Use jcds endpoint for package upload to JCDS 
    --aws                   Use AWS CDP for package upload. Requires aws-cli to be installed 
    --api                   Use v1/packages endpoint for package upload to cloud DP
    --recalculate           Recalculate packages if using --jcds2 or --api modes

Package Clean arguments:
    --name <string>         The name to match
    --smb-url <url>         URL of the fileshare distribution point (on premises Jamf Pro only)
    --smb-user <SMB_USERNAME>
                            Username with share access
    --smb_pass <SMB_PASSWORD>
                            Password of the user

Package Metadata arguments:
    --name <string>         The package display name
    --pkg <path>            The package filename
    --priority <int>        The priority
    --category <string>     The category. Must exist.
    --info <string>         Pkg information field
    --notes <string>        Pkg notes field
    --reboot_required       Set the 'reboot required' option
    --os-requirement <string>
                            Set OS requirement for the pkg
    --required-processor <string>
                            Set CPU type requirement for the pkg
    --send-notification     Set to send a notification when the package is installed
    --replace               Set to replace the pkg metadata if no package is uploaded

Package Recalculate arguments: None

Policy arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --icon <path>           Full path to an icon file for Self Service policies
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item
    --replace-icon          Set to replace the existing icon if it has the same name
    --retain-scope          Retain existing scope when updating an item

Policy Delete arguments:
    --name <string>         The policy name

Policy Log Flush arguments:
    --name <string>         The policy name
    --interval              The log flush interval

Patch Policy arguments:
    --name <string>         The patch policy name
    --pkg <path>            Name of the package to uplaod
    --version <string>      The package (or app) version
    --title <string>        The patch software title
    --template <path>       XML template
    --policy <string>       Name of an existing policy containing the desired icon for the patch policy
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Script arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --script <path>         Full path of the script to be uploaded
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the script. Multiple values can be supplied
                            Script parameter labels 
    --replace               Replace existing item

Software Restriction arguments
    --name <string>         The name
    --template <path>       XML template
    --process-name          Process name to restrict
    --display-message       Message to display to users when the restriction is invoked
                            Match only the exact process name if True
    --send-notification     Send a notification when the restriction is invoked if True
    --kill-process          Kill the process when the restriction is invoked if True
    --delete-executable     Delete the executable when the restriction is invoked if True
    --key X=Y               Substitutable values in the template. Multiple values can be supplied
    --replace               Replace existing item

Slack arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --policy-category <string>
                            The POLICY_CATEGORY
    --pkg-category <string> The PKG_CATEGORY
    --pkg_name <string>     The package name
    --version <string>      The package (or app) version
    --pkg-uploaded          Pretends that a package was uploaded (sets a value to jamfpackageuploader_summary_result)
    --policy-uploaded       Pretends that a policy was uploaded (sets a value to jamfpolicyuploader_summary_result)
    --slack-url <url>       The slack_webhook_url
    --slack-user <string>   The Slack user to display
    --icon <url>            The Slack icon URL
    --channel <string>      The Slack channel to post to
    --emoji <string>        the Slack icon emoji

Teams arguments:
    --name <string>         The name
    --policy-category <string>
                            The POLICY_CATEGORY
    --pkg-category <string> The PKG_CATEGORY
    --patch_name <string>   The patch policy name
    --pkg_name <string>     The package name
    --version <string>      The package (or app) version
    --patch-uploaded        Pretends that a patch was updated (sets a value to jamfpatchuploader_summary_result)
    --pkg-uploaded          Pretends that a package was uploaded (sets a value to jamfpackageuploader_summary_result)
    --policy-uploaded       Pretends that a policy was uploaded (sets a value to jamfpolicyuploader_summary_result)
    --teams-url <url>       The teams_webhook_url
    --teams-user <string>   The Teams user to display
    --icon <url>            The Teams icon URL


Uploading a category

As a minimum, the --prefs need to have the Jamf Pro Server credentials in it.

./ category \
    --prefs ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist \
    --name JamfUploadTest \
    --priority 18 \

Uploading a package

./ pkg \
    --prefs ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist \
    --pkg python_recommended_signed- \
    --category JamfUploadTest \

Uploading a computer profile

In this example, we are supplying a template (ProfileTemplate-test-users.xml), and a payload .plist file (com.bombich.ccc.plist). Note that we need to supply a --recipe-dir parameter, even though we are not using a recipe. This acts as a fake repo base directory, under which the JamfUploader processors will look for the templates that are specified. Otherwise you may be able to supply the full path to each template:

./ profile \
    --prefs ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist \
    --name "Carbon Copy Cloner" \
    --recipe-dir /path/to/folder-with-templates \
    --template ProfileTemplate-test-users.xml \
    --payload com.bombich.ccc.plist \
    --identifier com.bombich.ccc \
    --category JamfUploadTest \
    --organization "Graham Pugh Inc." \
    --description "Amazing test profile" \
    --computergroup "Testing" \
    -vv \
    --key REGISTRATION_EMAIL="[email protected]" \
    --key REGISTRATION_NAME="MyCorp License Administration" \
    --key REGISTRATION_PRODUCT_NAME='Carbon Copy Cloner 6 Volume License' \

Uploading a software restriction

In this example, we are supplying a template (RestrictionTemplate-singlegroup.xml). Note that we need to supply a --recipe-dir parameter, even though we are not using a recipe. This acts as a fake repo base directory, under which the JamfUploader processors will look for the templates that are specified. Otherwise you may be able to supply the full path to each template:

./ restriction \
    --prefs ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist \
    --name "Restrict Carbon Copy Cloner" \
    --recipe-dir /path/to/folder-with-templates \
    --template RestrictionTemplate-singlegroup.xml \
    --process_name "Carbon Copy Cloner" \
    --display_message "Carbon Copy Cloner is not allowed." \
    --match_exact_process_name \
    --kill_process \
    --computergroup Testing \
    -vvv \