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youtube-dl-react-viewer is a web app for yt-dlp/youtube-dl created using the MERN stack. Supports viewing and downloading videos. Usage with yt-dlp is assumed but most forks should work.

📷Screenshots | 🌎Live Demo


  • Watch downloaded videos in the browser across your devices
  • Download videos by creating and running download jobs
  • Import your existing downloads
  • SponsorBlock integration
  • Watch history and resume playback
  • Full-text search and sort
  • Subtitle support
  • Autoplay & looping
  • Open video streams in VLC
  • Automatically generated playlists
  • Similar video recommendations
  • Sitewide password protection
  • Dark/OLED dark theme
  • Channel icon downloader (YouTube and SoundCloud only)
  • Verify the integrity (hash) of downloads
  • Download video comments
  • YouTube chat replay



Once updated, it is not recommended to downgrade an existing installation. Doing so will risk database corruption. If you plan on downgrading in the future, please backup your database before updating.

Docker Installation


If you are updating an existing Docker installation simply repeat these same steps for the latest version. Remember to make the same edits to docker-compose.yaml as environment variables will be reset otherwise.

  1. Clone the repository git clone

  2. Navigate to cd ./youtube-dl-react-viewer

  3. Select the release you want to install git checkout tags/v1.3.1

    • Installing from main is not recommended as database breaking changes can be made between releases
  4. Set the environment variables by editing docker-compose.yaml

    • Set SUPERUSER_USERNAME to the desired username for the superuser account
    • Set SUPERUSER_PASSWORD to the desired password for the superuser account. Value cannot be 'password' and must be at least 8 characters
    • Set JWT_TOKEN_SECRET to any securely generated random string. At least 32 characters is recommended. Value cannot be 'secret'
    • If using a HTTPS server set SECURE_COOKIES=true. If running locally leave the value as false
    • If you are not planning on using yt-dlp set the update command for your fork YOUTUBE_DL_UPDATE_COMMAND=python3 -m pip install your-fork-name
    • Other environment variables can optionally be set
  5. Build the image and start the container docker compose up -d (on Linux run as sudo)

    • If using Compose V1 run docker-compose up -d instead
  6. Install yt-dlp or your preferred fork to the container

    • Open the container command line docker exec -it youtube-dl-react-viewer-app-1 /bin/sh (on Linux run as sudo)
    • Install yt-dlp python3 -m pip install --no-deps -U yt-dlp
  7. View the web app in the browser http://localhost:5000

    • Access from other devices on your network by replacing localhost with your device ip address (find using ipconfig on Windows or ip addr on Linux)
    • If this does not work check if your firewall settings are blocking Node.js
  8. Downloads can be found in the Docker volume youtube-dl-react-viewer_ytrv_downloads

Manual Installation

  1. Install Python 3.7+ (this step can be skipped on Windows)

  2. Install yt-dlp and add yt-dlp to PATH

  3. Install the latest versions of FFmpeg and FFprobe and add ffmpeg and ffprobe to PATH

  4. Install Node.js 18.16.0 and npm 9.2.0

  5. Install MongoDB 6.0.0

  6. Download the Source code (zip) for the latest release of youtube-dl-react-viewer

    • Unzip to the location of your choosing
    • Navigate to cd ./youtube-dl-react-viewer/youtube-dl-express-backend
    • Copy .env.sample to .env (you may need to enable view hidden files and folders)
    • Set environment variables by editing .env
      • Set OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to the location you want to save downloads. Set to an empty directory
        • On Windows it is recommended to use a location as close to the root directory as possible C:\youtube-dl to avoid issues with the path length limit
      • Set SUPERUSER_USERNAME to the desired username for the superuser account
      • Set SUPERUSER_PASSWORD to the desired password for the superuser account. Value cannot be 'password' and must be at least 8 characters
      • Set JWT_TOKEN_SECRET to any securely generated random string. At least 32 characters is recommended. Value cannot be 'secret'
      • If using a HTTPS server set SECURE_COOKIES=true. If running locally leave the value as false
      • On Windows make sure FFMPEG_PATH="C:/Path/To/ffmpeg.exe" instead of ffmpeg. Using PATH for FFmpeg does not work with the web app on Windows
      • If you installed yt-dlp using pip set YOUTUBE_DL_UPDATE_COMMAND=python3 -m pip install --no-deps -U yt-dlp
      • Other environment variables can optionally be set
    • Return to the parent directory cd ..
    • Install additional dependencies and build the web app sh (on Windows run install.bat instead)
    • Start the web app sh (on Windows run start-server.bat instead)
    • View the web app in the browser http://localhost:5000
      • Access from other devices on your network by replacing localhost with your device ip address (find using ipconfig on Windows or ip addr on Linux). If this does not work check if your firewall settings are blocking Node.js
    • View the console output pm2 logs youtube-dl-react-viewer
    • Stop the web app pm2 stop youtube-dl-react-viewer

Open URLs in VLC

To open videos using the open in VLC button on PC/Mac you must register the vlc:// URL protocol. You can do this with stefansundin/vlc-protocol.

No additional configuration is required for iOS/Android devices.

Environment Variables

OUTPUT_DIRECTORY                    Location downloads will be saved to
                                    (path, default: '/youtube-dl')

SUPERUSER_USERNAME                  Superuser username. The superuser is
                                    created when the web app is started
                                    (string < 50, default: admin)

SUPERUSER_PASSWORD                  Superuser password. If the value is
                                    `password` or less than 8 characters the 
                                    app will not start
                                    (string > 8 && !== password, default:

JWT_TOKEN_SECRET                    Secret key to sign the JSON Web Token. If
                                    the value is `secret` the app will not
                                    start. Use a securely generated random
                                    string at least 32 characters long
                                    (string !== secret, default: secret)

MONGOOSE_URL                        Database connection URL. If the database
                                    does not exist it will be created
                                    (url, default:

BACKEND_PORT                        Port used by the web app
                                    (0-65535, default: 5000)

SECURE_COOKIES                      Only serve cookies over HTTPS. Enable if
                                    not running locally
                                    (true|false, default: false)

YOUTUBE_DL_PATH                     Path to yt-dlp/youtube-dl. Forks should
                                    work as drop in replacements
                                    (path, default: yt-dlp)

FFMPEG_PATH                         Path to FFmpeg
                                    (path, default: ffmpeg)

FFPROBE_PATH                        Path to FFprobe
                                    (path, default: ffprobe)

THUMBNAIL_QUALITY                   JPEG quality level for thumbnails. Does not
                                    effect existing thumbnails
                                    (0-100, default: 80)

THUMBNAIL_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING        Chroma subsampling for thumbnails. Does not
                                    effect existing thumbnails
                                    (4:4:4|4:2:0, default: 4:4:4)

PAGE_SIZE                           Number of videos that will be loaded per
                                    (number >= 1, default: 54)

SKIP_HASHING                        Do not generate hashes when importing
                                    (true|false, default: false)

ENABLE_USER_REGISTRATION            Allow users to create accounts
                                    (true|false: default: true)

DISPLAY_SIMILAR_VIDEOS              Algorithm used to find similar videos. With
                                    lots of videos the algorithm can make page
                                    loads slow. Consider changing or disabling
                                    (complex|simple|disabled, default: complex)

SPONSORBLOCK_API_URL                API used to retrieve sponsor segments
                                    (url, default:

EXPOSE_LOCAL_VIDEO_PATH             Expose the local video path to the user to
                                    allow for local VLC playback
                                    (true|false, default: false)

YOUTUBE_DL_UPDATE_COMMAND           Command run when updating youtube-dl from
                                    the admin panel. If not set will run `-U`
                                    (string, default: '')

VERBOSE                             Print detailed error messages to the
                                    (true|false, default: false)

NODE_ENV                            Should be set to `production` unless
                                    running in development mode `development`
                                    (string, default: production)

REACT_APP_BRAND                     Name shown in the navbar
                                    (string, default: youtube-dl Viewer)

REACT_APP_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES         Automatically check the GitHub repo for
                                    new releases on the admin page
                                    (true|false, default: true) 

REACT_APP_SHOW_VERSION_TAG          Display the current release version number 
                                    in the navbar
                                    (true|false, default: true)

REACT_APP_LIGHT_THEME_LOGO          Light theme icon in the navbar
                                    (url, default: /logo.svg)

REACT_APP_DARK_THEME_LOGO           Dark theme icon in the navbar
                                    (url, default: /logo.svg)

REACT_APP_LOAD_EXTERNAL_THUMBNAILS  Load thumbnails and avatars from third
                                    (true|false, default: false)

REACT_APP_OUT_OF_DATE_COLOR_DAYS    Days until a job is highlighted in red to
                                    alert that it has not been run recently
                                    (number > 0, default: 30)

When setting environment variables that start with REACT_APP_ you will need to rebuild the web app for changes to take effect:

cd ./youtube-dl-react-frontend
npm install --unsafe-perm
npm run build

You can change the favicon and manifest icons by replacing the files in ./youtube-dl-react-frontend/public and rebuilding the app.

The repo and check for update URLs are hard coded in ./youtube-dl-react-frontend/src/index.js.


To download videos from the web app you must be signed in with the superuser account.

  1. Navigate to the admin panel http://localhost:5000/admin

  2. Scroll to the jobs section

  3. Create and save a new job

    Job name                        Job display name
    Format code                     Format code used by yt-dlp/youtube-dl when
                                    downloading videos
    Download audio only             Should only audio be downloaded
    Download comments               Should comments be downloaded. Only works
                                    if using yt-dlp
    Recode video                    Convert downloaded videos to mp4 to
                                    increase browser playback compatibility
    URLs                            URLs that will be downloaded by the job.
                                    URLs can be individual videos, channels, 
                                    playlists, etc. One URL per line
    Override config                 Arguments passed to yt-dlp/youtube-dl when
                                    downloading. For example, you can set
                                    `--cookies C:/Path/To/cookies.txt` here
    Override uploader               Overrides the uploader for a video 
                                    downloaded by this job. Useful for websites 
                                    that do not return the uploader name in
  4. Scroll to download section

  5. Select the jobs you want to download. Multiple jobs can be selected. Jobs will run in the order they are started

Importing Already Downloaded Videos

You can import videos already downloaded with yt-dlp/youtube-dl as long as they were downloaded with the --write-info-json option and the .json file is in the same folder as the video.

To import videos from the web app you must be signed in with the superuser account.

  1. Navigate to the admin panel http://localhost:5000/admin
  2. Scroll to the import videos section
Folder to import                    Folder on the server computer to import
                                    videos from

Job                                 Job imported videos will be added to.
                                    Imported videos will appear in the web app
                                    as if have been downloaded by this job

Search subfolders                   Search subfolders for videos

Copy files                          Copy files when importing instead of moving

Continue on failed                  Continue importing videos if a single video
                                    fails to import

Override ext                        Sometimes the video file extension cannot
                                    be determined by the importer. If you know
                                    the extension you can set it here

If the web app was installed using Docker you will need to copy your existing downloads into the Docker volume before they can be imported.

# 1. Copy the existing downloads to a temporary folder in the Docker container
docker cp "C:\Your\Existing\Downloads" youtube-dl-react-viewer-app-1:/youtube-dl/TEMP

# 2. Import the temporary folder

Issues & Limitations

  • Browser Playback:
    The format code bestvideo*+bestaudio/best is used by default. This can sometimes create videos with codecs individual browsers do not support. If a playback error occurs, try any of the following: open in VLC button, enable spoof type, use a different browser, change the format code and redownload.

    To create videos with better browser playback compatibility, try using the format code (bestvideo[vcodec^=h264]+bestaudio[acodec^=aac])/mp4/best or enable recode video in job settings (may reduce quality).

  • Playlists:
    youtube-dl only downloads playlist metadata if a video was downloaded as part of a playlist. If you have already downloaded a video and then download a playlist that includes the same video, it will not appear in the automatically generated playlist in the web app. The best approach to prevent this is to download playlists before downloading individual videos.

  • Xattrs:
    Windows does not support xattrs. Videos downloaded on Windows will not have xattrs added to them.

  • Windows Path Limit:
    Windows file paths cannot be longer than 260 characters. To prevent errors where downloaded file names are too long, set the output directory to a location as close to the root directory as possible C:\youtube-dl. Alternatively, you can remove the path length limit by enabling long paths.

  • PM2 and Windows
    PM2 is used to manage the web app process if it was installed using the manual install method. On Windows, console windows may briefly appear when starting a download job. This is an issue that occurs when a process PM2 is managing spawns a subprocess. To prevent this you can start the web app with node instead, however, it will not auto restart if it crashes.

    cd ./youtube-dl-express-backend
    node --require dotenv/config index.js

Handling Download Errors

There are two main types of errors that can occur when downloading videos:

  1. youtube-dl fails to download a video
    This could happen for many reasons: poor internet connection, incompatible format code, broken extractor, private video, etc. These errors are not recorded by the web app, but can be seen in the console output. youtube-dl will try to download the video again the next time the job is run. If you notice a video did not download but do not see an error on the admin page it is most likely because youtube-dl failed to download it.

  2. youtube-dl successfully downloads a video, but the web app fails to import it
    This could happen if the web app could not read the metadata downloaded by youtube-dl or could not identify the video file, thumbnails, subtitles, etc. youtube-dl will not try to redownload the video as it has been successfully downloaded.

    You can attempt to reimport videos from the failed to import section of the admin panel. This will likely still fail until a version of the web app that fixes the issue is released. Report import errors here.


Q: How do I sign in to websites that require a login?

A: You can set cookies for individual jobs to login to websites. Sign in and export a Netscape cookie file for the website. Edit a job, open advanced options and add this line to override config --cookies "C:/Path/To/cookies.txt"

Q: Can I update youtube-dl from the web app?

A: You can update youtube-dl from the youtube-dl section of the admin panel.

If you installed youtube-dl with a package manager you may need to set the environment variable YOUTUBE_DL_UPDATE_COMMAND to the correct update command.

Q: How can I add uploader icons to the web app?

A: Uploader icons for YouTube and SoundCloud can be downloaded automatically from the uploader icons section of the admin panel.

For other websites uploader icons must be downloaded manually and placed in the ./avatars folder of the output directory. Use the Network tab of the browser DevTools to find the expected filename.

Q: I am running out of space. Can I use a second hard drive or change/add another output directory?

A: You cannot set more than one output directory. If you need to change the output directory, stop the web app and change the environment variable OUTPUT_DIRECTORY. Move the contents of the previous output directory to the new one. Paths are stored relative to the output directory so you will not need to update anything else.

If you need more space than a single hard drive can offer, use a drive pooling solution like DrivePool.

Q: Where files generated by youtube-dl, such as archive.txt located?

A: These files are located at the root of the output directory. You can also view them from the logs section of the admin panel.

Q: Can I delete downloaded videos?

A: Videos can be deleted from the admin panel, with the option to prevent videos from being redownloaded or not.

If you are deleting videos because you are running low on storage, note that the actual video files are not deleted until the server is restarted.


Planned features in no particular order. There is no timeline or guarantee features will be added.

In release 1.2.1:

  • Import already downloaded videos
  • Docker container
  • Uploader pages
  • Update youtube-dl from the web app

In release 1.3.0:

  • Watch history
  • Video playback resume
  • Dark aware theme
  • Verify the integrity of video file hashes
  • SponsorBlock Implementation
  • Display video chapters in the player
  • Chat replay (YouTube only)

Planned for future releases:

  • Create custom playlists, favorites, comments
  • Search and sort for uploaders
  • 3D/VR video playback
  • Refetch updated metadata for downloaded videos
  • Twitch chat replay
  • Stream audio only mode
  • Download job scheduling



youtube-dl-react-viewer does not contain any code from ytdl-org/youtube-dl. youtube-dl-react-viewer by itself does not have any capability to download videos.