Base Docker images
This repo contains the base image(s) for various Gradient Institute projects. It is designed to be used with our CI tool, CircleCI. See the config.yml this repo for details.
The repo has images based on arch linux. At the moment, the only image is 'python' which contains the very basic requirements for python projects.
With the CI system, the images are built, then tagged according to the shortened hash of the current commit. This is to ensure that someone updating this repo does not break projects elsewhere. The command used to get the shortened hash is
$ git log -1 --pretty=%h
eg FROM blah/python:93e34 not blah/python or blah/python:latest. Python latest is updated for development convenience only.
You don't want the image changing under your project without you realising!!
On our (private) gcloud repo, To pull them in other projects that project will need gooogle storage read access.
The scripts in this repo are intended to be run by the CI. Build them locally if you like, but to push them you'll need to be able to authenticate docker, which will require you to have the service account json. Speak to your local sysadmin if this is something you want to do.