Flavr, inspired by Flickr, is a platform where foodies can share their food photography and interests.
- Express Validator
- Download or clone this repository
- Install dependencies
- Create a .env file based on the .env.example
- In root terminal psql, create a user and database based on your .env
- In backend terminal, migrate and seed the database
- Run both the frontend and backend servers in 2 terminals simultaneously with
npm start
- Users can view, upload, edit, and delete photos
- Users can view, create, and delete comments
- User profile page contains their photostream
- Log in, sign up, upload, edit, and delete forms use modals
- AJAX is used to render elements asynchronously
- App authenticates users with validation forms and prevents CSRF attacks
- Image gallery of all photos uploaded by all users
- Users can edit/delete photos
- Users can comment(and delete their comments) on photos
- When users route to a page that does not exist
- Favorites
- Albums
- Tags