KiCad design for a ARM Cortex-M0+ development board. The MCU is a Puya PY32 Series. The specific part is PY032F030K18T6. This can run at a maximum of 48 MHz, and has 8 kbyte SRAM and 64 kbyte Flash. A USB C connector provides 5V power only to the development board. The board must be programmed with a debugger. External crystals are laid out for the MCU to use a 32.768 kHz low speed crystal or a 24 MHz high speed crystal. There is an onboard LDO that provides 500mA of power at 3.3V. A resettable fuse protects the USB port from a short. There is an LED and push button connected to 2 of the GPIO pins. The value of the BOOT0 pin can be set to ground or 3.3V permanently via the solder bridge. A jumper can be used on the pin rails in lieue of the solder bridge. All available GPIO pins are routed to the 2 18pin headers.
Rev B Moved resettable fuse away from USB C connector, giving more room to resolder connector pins.
Rev A Original
Example firmware that blinks the LED. When the user pushbutton is pressed, the frequency of the LED blink will change.
To boot from main flash [0x0800_0000] Connect J2-4 to J2-5 (or) solder JP5-1 to center post
To boot from System mem [0x1FFF_0000], or Embedded SRAM [0x2000_0000] Connect J2-4 to J2-3 (or) solder JP6-3 to center post
There is an embedded boot loader, programmed in production, in the system memory block. See the reference manual 3.6.2.
|J3 | | J2|
VDD-|1 +-----+ 1|-GND
GND-|2 2|-GND
+3.3-|3 3|-+3.3
[RESET] PF2-|4 4|-PF4 [BOOT0_PRE]
[SWCLK]PA14-|5 5|-GND
[SWDIO]PA13-|6 6|-GND
PF3-|8 +-+ 8|-GND
PA0-|9 |O| 9|-GND
PA1-|10 +-+ 10|-PB7
PA2-|11 11|-PB6
PA3-|12 12|-PB5
PA4-|13 13|-PB4
PA6-|14 14|-PB3
PA6-|15 UPB 15|-PA15
PA7-|16 +-+ 16|-PA12 [USER LED - GREEN]
PB0-|17 |O| 17|-PA11 [USER PUSHBUTTON]
PB1-|18 +-+ 18|-PA8
| |
From a 20pin JTAG connector, run wires to the following pins to connect a debugger:
VTRef 1 <-> J3-3 SWDIO 7 <-> J3-6 SWCLK 9 <-> J3-5 RESET 15 <-> J3-4 5V 19 <-> NC GND 4 <-> J3-2 GND 20 <-> J3-7
Run the JLink GDB server via the following:
JLinkGDBServer -if SWD -JLinkDevicesXMLPath ~/.config/SEGGER/JLinkDevices/Puya/PY32/JLinkDevices.xml -device PY32F030xx8
GDB can be connected via the following:
gdb-multiarch --command=jlink-py32.gdb target/thumbv6m/debug/blink-py32