Using puppeteer, docker, and python-gherkin-parser, you can easilly write functionnal tests using gherkin syntax.
Install it:
$ pip3 install Pyppetheater
And use it:
$ pyppet_theater "/path/to/my-yml-or-feature-file"
Just add a service using this image in your docker-compose.yml
image: gpenverne/pyppettheater:latest
- ./tests/scenarios:/scenarios
working_dir: /
- ""
- "another-container-name:a-sub-domain-website"
stdin_open: true
tty: true
Adjust the volumes
section as your need, to put your scenario folder in the docker container (in my case, all my scenarios are in a /tests/scenarios
To run your tests suites, just run
docker-compose run tests pyppet_theater /scenarios/my-suite.yml
docker-compose run tests pyppet_theater /scenarios/my-features/my-scenario.feature
Sample folders tree:
| tests
| scenarios
| my-features
contains a simple "scenarios" sortered array with all your features:
0: my-features/my-feature.feature
2: my-features/my-other-feature.feature
Each .feature
is a gherkin file which contains scenarios about your feature:
Feature: Create an account on a game
Scenario: As a visitor, I register on the game
Given I go on ""
And I click on "\#signup-link"
And I type "player6" in field "\#id_username"
And I type "somepassword" in field "\#id_password1"
And I type "somepassword" in field "\#id_password2"
When I click on "\#content-section form button"
Then I should be on ""
Scenario: As a new player, my elements has been setted with default values
Given I go on ""
And I click on "\#module-1"
Then the element "\#quantity-for-1" should have "2000" as content
And the element "\#quantity-for-2" should have "1000" as content
And the element "\#quantity-for-3" should have "1000" as content
An actor is a python class which handle sentences. By default the Dom
actor is loaded which can handle these sentences:
- I go on "http://myurl"
- Take a screenshot
- I should be on "http://myurl"
- I type "something" in field "#query"
- I click on "#item"
- The element "#element" should have "some content" as content
- The element "#element" should not exists
- The element "#element" should exists
db_host: db
db_user: root
db_password: root
db_name: test
0: "mysql/mysql-suite.feature"
- The row with ":key" equal to ":value" in table ":table:" should exist
- The row with ":key" equal to ":value" in table ":table:" should not exist
- The row with ":key" equal to ":value" in table ":table:" has ":other_key" equal to ":new_value"
- The row with ":key" equal to ":value" in table ":table:" does not exist
- Then the row with ":key" equal to ":value" in table ":table:" should have ":other_key" equal to ":new_value"
0: rest/rest-suite.feature
- I add these headers
- I prepare a "GET|POST" request to "url" with data
- I prepare a "GET" request to "url"
- I send the request
- Print the last response
- Print the last json response
- The json node "aaaa" should exist
- The json node "aaaa" should not exist
- The json node "id" should be equal to "1"
- Then the JSON node "" should have "500" elements
- Then the response status code should be "200"
- Then the response content-type should be "application/json; charset=utf-8"
- And the json nodes should be equal to:
If you need or want other sentences, open an issue or create a custom actor :)
To load custom actors, you can add a "Actors" section in your yml file, with all relatives paths (relative to the yaml file) to your actors classes:
- "../actors/"
- Each feature is session independant: if you are logged in one .feature, you will not be logged in another one
- Because of gherkin comments, you have to escape
selectors with a\
(Tests on this repo)[]
Using (faker)[], you can generate (and set) fake generated values in your tests. For example:
Scenario: We can send POST data using fake generated values
Given I prepare a "POST" request to "/posts" with data:
| title | <> |
| body | bar |
| userId | 1 |
When I send the request
Then the JSON node "title" should be equal to "<context.title>"
In this exemple, we send data, with a random generated name as title. The syntax <var_name:faker.method>
means you can retrieve the value using the context: <context.title>