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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 13, 2018. It is now read-only.

Releases: googlearchive/polyup


29 Sep 00:48
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  • Update DOM methods to use Polymer.dom(elem)
  • Use this.set when setting deep properties on this.
  • Generated functions are private by default and are named with leading underscores
  • Improve our upgrading of imports where the element name differs from the repo name.
  • Support initialization of properties with expressions


  • Added --recursive flag


  • Basic ES6/ES2015 support
  • Improved error messages, especially parse errors
  • Simplified the web demo, now using the excellent juicy-ace-editor element.


13 Aug 21:48
Choose a tag to compare
  • Don't create a computed function just for a negation
  • Don't create duplicate computed function declarations
  • object[key] expressions miss dependency on key identifier
  • Migrate docs for properties enhancement
  • Minimize upgrade diff by adding option to just reformat code first


13 Aug 21:30
Choose a tag to compare
  • Upgrades all template data binding expressions.
    • Upgrades one time bindings [[]] to their best equivalent.
  • Upgrades expressions using tokenList
  • Support specifying an explicit HTTP path to components on CLI
  • Support specifying a base directory for resolving absolute HTTP paths
  • formatting: keep <script> elements inside of <dom-module>
  • bugfix: generate unique computed function names
  • bugfix: support host attributes with hyphens and other js-identifier-unfriendly names


08 Aug 00:52
Choose a tag to compare
  • Removes curly braces from on-* event handler attributes.
  • Handles expressions with filters like {{x | f}}
  • Handles bidirectional binding to common attributes of built-in elements
  • Removes curly braces from on-* event handler attributes.
  • Fix <link rel='stylesheet' href='...'>
  • For binding to attributes which are not properties like class, upgrades to use $ like class$="{{foo}}" to bind to the HTML attribute.
  • Upgrades boolean bindings like hidden?="{{foo}}"