Please use latest version on SourceHut.
Simple web library and generators.
At the begining it is be only backend story. HTML can be static, generated by the Mendoza, or dynamic by the simple Temple templates. All data are stored in Mansion, and accesed through reception.
The frontend will be custom, but TwinSpark.js or htmx will be preffered way if communication.
You need to have Janet language and all dependencies installed. Then you can
install chidi
with jpm
[sudo] jpm install chidi
When you have chidi
installed you can generate new application with it:
chd generate --app-name test-chidi
Then you need to cd test-chidi
and run server:
- / root, which serves site directory (presumably generated by Mendoza)
- not-found for everything else
chd server
- just the server
- come with better story