The purpose of this project is to enable users to find valuable YouTube videos of their interest independent of YouTube's recommendation system.
You will need to acquire a YouTube v3 API key, which you can do so easily here. A helpful video outlining the process can be found here. After obtaining the API key, enter it as a string into the config.yaml file.
All requirements are contained within requirements.txt.
To install them, execute the following from the root directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After configuring config.yaml and installing requirements, the function can be executed from the command line using:
python3 ./ 'search term 1' 'search term 2'
The default search period is 7 days, but this can be modified with the '--search-period' argument.
For example:
python3 ./ 'machine learning' 'medical school' --search-period 10
This will call the function and output will be printed into the console.