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Meeting 2017 06 23

Matthias Loibl edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 8 revisions
  • Time: 16:15 - 17:30

  • Participants: Tim, Matthias, Lennart

  • Tim

    • (Conference in between, thus other work)
    • Dovecot with mirrored GlusterFS between EU and US
      • This GlusterFS can be mounted by all relevant pods in k8s, nice
      • File system will still need to get encrypted, but mostly working
  • Matthias

    • Prometheus now scrapes our GCE-deployed pods, some regex magic was needed
    • Grafana deployed, visualization of all metrics collected from k8s
    • Looked at Dovecot exporter to Prometheus, could get tricky
  • Lennart

    • Finally gRPC integrated in pluto, nice
    • Reviewed Tim's IMAP benchmark
    • Checked IMAP CLOSE command, we will probably not need it
    • Started to review Isabelle/HOL proof comments
  • TO

    • Evaluation
      • 1) pluto, Dovecot 1 (naïve), Dovecot 2 (#smart), Gmail: response time
      • 2) pluto, Dovecot 1 (naïve), Dovecot 2 (#smart), Gmail: APPEND message synchronization time around the globe
      • 3) pluto in depth: multi-cluster around the globe, very deep internal statistics, exact internal synchronization
  • ToDos until 2017-06-29

    • Matthias:
      • Dovecot exporter?
      • Move Pluto into own namespace
      • gokit level.go:63 default caller problem
      • Fail of make docker build pipeline step
      • Deploy final pluto setup on k8s
      • Recreate Kubernetes cluster with bigger nodes
      • Have a look which and where to export Prometheus metrics from pluto
      • Start styx?
    • Lennart:
      • Implement gRPC-based worker => storage failover
      • Prometheus metrics in pluto
      • Finish gRPC-adapted tests?
      • Maildir Prometheus exporter
      • IMAP benchmark continuation
    • Tim:
      • IMAP benchmark continuation
      • Diverse Dovecot k8s deployments
      • TODO
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