Initial implementation of the ACDC layer, and the stacked ACDC Module. Was unsure what to use to initialise the diagonal matrices, looking at the code they used either an identity or uniform noise between -1 and 1. Initially, I tried the latter.
In between layers in the stacked module, they say they use a shuffle operation. I wasn't sure what kind of shuffle to use, so I just used a riffle shuffle as they do in ShuffleNet, because it's simple and seems to work in that setting. This could be a problem, because it's a systematic transformation, rather than random and might not have as good guarantees when mixing.
Another problem was that the input and output size of the layer has to be equal, because there's no way for a diagonal matrix or a DCT to change the dimensionality of the input. To get around this, I use a Linear layer to create new dimensions, then concatenate them on to the end. When reducing dimensionality I use a Linear layer to create a residual of the desired size from the "extra" dimensions, then add this to the remaining dimensions after dropping the "extra" ones.
Finally, the FFT is much faster if the input is always a power of 2, so I added a provision to group the input into powers of 2 before the DCT, so the DCT is always acting on a power of 2.
To check it can learn something useful, ran it on MNIST, with the default settings for the PyTorch MNIST example, using the following model definition:
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.acdc = StackedACDC(784, 64, 12, groups=8)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64, 10)
def forward(self, x):
n, c, h, w = x.size()
x = x.view(n, c*h*w)
x = F.relu(self.acdc(x))
x = self.fc2(x)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
It maps down to the output dimensionality in the 12 steps. It was able to classify a bit, but it has a final linear layer, which can count for a lot in MNIST.
Test set: Average loss: 0.1120, Accuracy: 9657/10000 (97%)
Then, after reading the right section of the paper I realised that the initialisation I was using was wrong, so I changed it to the recommendation of the paper, which is diagonal normal mean=1 sigma=10^-2. Unfortunately, that trained a little worse:
Test set: Average loss: 0.3903, Accuracy: 9518/10000 (95%)
Training appears to be relatively slow. It's a few times slower than the ConvNet default that comes with the MNIST example. Also, there is no regularisation in this model and yet it does not overfit, which is not a good thing.
Removing the final Linear layer, and deactivating those used when we drop dimensions, tried to train the resulting model on MNIST. I wouldn't expect it to work well necessarily, but it might work a bit. It barely worked:
Test set: Average loss: 1.6744, Accuracy: 5541/10000 (55%)
It doesn't seem like it is a very easy model component to optimise. That's partly what we might expect from Figure 3 in the paper.
Finally, I thought the execution speed seemed too slow even for the
multiple layers. Added a line to the testing in
to look at the
execution time compared to a Linear
layer. According to Figure 2 in the
paper, the ACDC layer should be significantly faster with an input
dimensionality of 4096. 100 loops with the packing and unpacking disabled:
Linear: 0.007770444266498089
ACDC: 0.5301398802548647
Then with packing and unpacking enabled:
Linear: 0.005231818184256554
ACDC: 0.529364119283855
Must be an issue with the DCT implementation.
Added speed test to the
dct1: 0.01097189262509346
dct: 0.2719538463279605
idct: 0.1428453316912055
Linear: 0.00483915489166975
So, on the GPU it's slower than a Linear layer every time. The forward DCT
being the worst. Looking at the implementation there's a lot of wacky stuff
going on around the calls to the actual FFT function, which could be
causing the problems, especially given that stuff's not present in dct1
which is much faster (though still slower than Linear).
On CPU, the DCTs are faster than a Linear layer, so it could be that the CUDA FFT is not optimized well (unlikely), or that something else is slowing it down:
CPU Speed (100 executions):
dct1: 1.1211627703160048
dct: 2.0362922428175807
idct: 3.8709053453058004
Linear: 4.468587472103536
GPU speed (100 executions):
dct1: 0.010546403005719185
dct: 0.2743651457130909
idct: 0.14596352353692055
Linear: 0.004489514045417309
To check if this is the same in tensorflow, ran the DCT that comes with tensorflow (running on GPU):
DCT: 0.6155939232558012
Linear: 0.9840689264237881
This one is faster than the linear layer, but the linear layer is so much slower than the linear layer in PyTorch. I implemented it as just a matrix multiply with a random normal weight matrix.
Added a test of the linear problem from Section 6.1 of the paper. This implementation isn't able to get the loss below 1.0 after 1000 iterations, and the iterations themselves are extremely slow.
Trying to figure out why the DCT implementation is so much slower than a linear layer ended up messing around with the code for the DCT. The FFT on its own is actually faster than the linear layer (just) on the GPU and CPU, which is nice.
Thought that it was the generation of torch.arange
in every pass that
would be increasing the time, so decided to cached that part, as we only
have to know the size of the incoming X. Made a module, and called it
to do this. Unfortunately, that didn't affect the speed at all.
Found that the major factor affecting the speed was the .flip(1)
on the
array before the FFT.
It turned out it was actually faster to use the form of the DCT by DFT where we just pad the input with zeros using the (relatively efficient) pad operations built into pytorch. Doing this and the result was slower on the CPU, but about 10 times faster on the GPU.
Unfortunately, this is still slower than the Linear layer, so finally wrote
an implementation that is a linear layer. It's just a linear layer where
the weights are the DCT matrix. This seems to work fine. On the GPU, it's
actually the same speed as the rfft
CPU Speed (100 executions):
dct1: 1.0706987995654345
dct: 1.982983972877264
idct: 3.213463810272515
rfft: 0.631943185813725
FasterDCT: 3.719810419715941
Linear: 4.693692773580551
GPU speed (100 executions):
dct1: 0.010924047790467739
dct: 0.27390200551599264
idct: 0.14248866774141788
rfft: 0.004178566858172417
FasterDCT: 0.030473709106445312
Linear: 0.006033767946064472
Dense DCT: 0.004221102222800255
Realised that if I'm implementing the DCT as a linear layer I can just parameterise the whole ACDC layer (and potentially the entire stack) as a single Linear layer as well, thanks to the associativity of matrix multiplication. We still have to multiply together the different components, but on a GPU this can be done in parallel, before the examples propagate to that layer. Also, since this uses simple Linear layers, it'll probably run much easier in this deep learning framework.
Wrote an ACDC linear layer and validated the output. It matches the ACDC layer already written.
Wrote a poorly named script
that passes an identity matrix
through the stacked ACDC layer to estimate the effective weight matrix for
multiple layers. Got these results with 16 layers, after removing the
batchnorm and relus from the stacked implementation.
Input dim 4
Glorot stdv is 0.5
Effective W stdv 1.0834022760391235
Effective W mean 0.03615774214267731
Input dim 8
Glorot stdv is 0.35355339059327373
Effective W stdv 0.6777600646018982
Effective W mean 0.20750541985034943
Input dim 16
Glorot stdv is 0.25
Effective W stdv 0.6487581133842468
Effective W mean 0.08766232430934906
Input dim 32
Glorot stdv is 0.17677669529663687
Effective W stdv 0.429548442363739
Effective W mean -0.01238858513534069
Input dim 64
Glorot stdv is 0.125
Effective W stdv 0.3179543614387512
Effective W mean 0.044064365327358246
Input dim 128
Glorot stdv is 0.08838834764831843
Effective W stdv 0.22509363293647766
Effective W mean 0.005937715992331505
Input dim 256
Glorot stdv is 0.0625
Effective W stdv 0.1555483341217041
Effective W mean 0.0009372985805384815
But, we really would like to know the effect of having more layers as well, so this will probably be something we have to graph. Hopefully then it will be clearer what is necessary to make the initialisation closer to standard initialisations, which is very important for optimisation.
Tried a stacked version of this linear ACDC layer using a real permutation
instead of the riffle shuffle we were using before and it was able to
perform the linear layer approximation. Not sure how good the result is,
but the final loss was 0.0198
I have also removed the batch norm and changed the optimiser for to Adam,
so I thought it was also worth checking if the riffle shuffle would
actually also work. Putting that in and the final loss after 1000
iterations was 0.0208
, so about the same. It ran several times faster as
Tried it out on MNIST and it optimises to 97% with no fully connected layers. I just flatten the image and propagate it through 32 ACDC layers, then throw away all but 10 dimensions of the output.
Test set: Average loss: 0.0952, Accuracy: 9741/10000 (97%)
Replaced the 1 by 1 convolutions in a resnet18 and ran this on CIFAR-10. Unfortunately, it wasn't able to get more than 82% on the test set; 89% on the training set after around 40 epochs.
The implementation of a 1 by 1 convolution I used is much slower than a real implementation. It involves rearranging the dimensions of the tensor to express it as a linear layer. The layer would be much faster if the weights for the 1 by 1 convolution were just replaced and then the forward prop worked the same way. Also, would provide an easy way to define other sizes of convolution.
Unfortunately, there's no reason to expect that that might converge better, so it still isn't likely that it'll converge on CIFAR-10.
As a final data point, with only a single ACDC layer instead of a stack, the ResNet18 overfits on CIFAR-10. Gets 90% on train, but only 85% on test after 50 epochs.
Investigated the statistics of the weight matrices more in a notebook. Found that the matrices learnt are not much like the random matrices we normally use. The mean is non-zero on the diagonal, close to 1, and the variance can be much greater than 1./sqrt(dim) - especially as the dimension grows. Full notebook is here.
After making this notebook, I wondered if putting a riffle shuffle in between the forward and inverse DCT might help to get closer to a "better" initialisation. After doing this, the mean loses it's unit diagonal, and the standard deviation becomes much more uniform.
Here's an example mean:
And example standard deviation:
While the standard deviation is a bit lower than "standard" initialisations, this is much closer to the properties we want in an initialisation.
So, I ran the experiment on CIFAR-10 again. Before, neither training nor test would get above 90%. After, the model learns a lot more like the standard model: 99% on train, 92% on test after 70+ epochs.
Of course, this doesn't mean that this actually works, because I've only replaced the 1 by 1 in shortcut connections, so only a few layers in the ResNet.
Replaced most of the convolutions in a ResNet18 and tried to train on CIFAR-10 with the default settings. Used kuangliu's repo as a base. Unfortunately, even after 79 epochs it hadn't cleared 70% on the test set. An unconstrained ResNet18 would be getting about 91% on test at this point.
Epoch: 79
[============================ 391/391 ===========================>] Step: 312ms | Tot: 2m41s | Loss: 0.473 | Acc: 83.334% (41667/50000
[============================ 100/100 ===========================>] Step: 126ms | Tot: 12s749ms | Loss: 0.985 | Acc: 69.810% (6981/100
It seems like training on constrained weight matrices is always going to be difficult, as you're playing with the optimization dynamics of neural networks, which are not well understood.
As probably the last thing I'll do on this project, I implemented a stacked
ACDC layer than combines all of the matrices used in a stacked ACDC layer
before performing a convolution using that as weights. This should be
faster, because in most cases the effective weight matrices are smaller
than the batch size. The way it's implemented could be faster, I just call
to combine them, but the combination could be parallelised using
and slicing. That's too much.
It's about twice as fast on the test input, so not much better.
StackedConvACDC: 0.35135913360863924
FastStackedConvACDC: 0.21031779795885086
Tried running a ResNet50 replacing all the convolutions with 12 layers of ACDC convolutions. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this maxes out the memory on the GPUs.
To get an estimate what kind of performance we should expect of a network trained using an ACDC convolutional layer, wanted to take a closer look at exactly how many FLOPs and parameters are used by different networks. Using a script left over from the moonshine work (with some modifications):
This is wrong, see below.
Tiny ConvNet FLOPS params
Original: 1.83065E+07 8.96740E+04
ACDC: 2.18184E+05 9.03400E+03
ResNet18 FLOPS params
Original: 5.55423E+08 1.11740E+07
ACDC: 4.14427E+06 1.20650E+05
WRN(40,2) FLOPS params
Original: 3.28304E+08 2.24355E+06
ACDC: 3.78971E+06 7.70180E+04
On every network the reduction in FLOPs is between 1 and 2 orders of magnitude. On the smallest network the reduction in parameters is only about 10 times, but for the others it's more. For a ResNet18, it only uses about 1/100 the parameters. So, it's hardly surprising that we aren't able to train it to the same accuracy after replacing the convolutions.
Tried training a wide resnet using Moonshine, replacing all the convolutions with ACDC convolutions. Initially, this did not work at all. Training from scratch without a teacher network:
Error@1 34.660 Error@5 3.090
However, learning from an experiment running Hyperband over a tiny
convolutional network, I found that changing the weight decay factor to
made a huge difference:
Error@1 8.760 Error@5 0.260
Full results and learning curves are illustrated in this notebook.
Error in above FLOP calculations. Was not taking into account the number of times the ACDC layers would be applied in a convolutional ACDC layer. Fixing this, and I found that the Mult-Adds were much less competitive:
Tiny ConvNet FLOPS params
Original: 1.83065E+07 8.96740E+04
ACDC: 2.94185E+07 9.03400E+03
ResNet18 FLOPS params
Original: 5.55423E+08 1.11740E+07
ACDC: 2.31831E+08 1.20650E+05
WRN(40,2) FLOPS params
Original: 3.28304E+08 2.24355E+06
ACDC: 2.43861E+08 7.70180E+04
Looking into it, it turns out in the early layers where the number of channels is small the effective dimensionality of the ACDC layer is not enough to make a sequence of 12 ACDC layers worthwhile.
But, thinking about that, it's easy to tell where this is going to be the case, and in those cases where it would be faster to simply use the weight matrix parameterised (as we do at training time) in the test time implementation. Doing this, we get a much more reasonable result (although not quite so good as the false results above):
Tiny ConvNet FLOPS params
Original: 1.83065E+07 8.96740E+04
ACDC: 2.76143E+06 1.83400E+03
ResNet18 FLOPS params
Original: 5.55423E+08 1.11740E+07
ACDC: 2.26888E+07 2.59300E+04
WRN(40,2) FLOPS params
Original: 3.28304E+08 2.24355E+06
ACDC: 2.46428E+07 2.32580E+04
For the paper, wanted to write about the MNIST and linear approximation results. So ran the MNIST experiment again with our parameterisation of the LinearACDC layer. After 10 epochs, both with and without the extra riffle shuffle, if the Adam optimizer is used it converges fine to 97%.
Ah, just went back and read this research log, and it was only on CIFAR experiments that the initialisation really matters.
Ran the experiment with moonshine again after editing the code to use the original ACDC parameterisation, without the extra riffle shuffle. The results are strange. Without attention transfer, ie training without a teacher on its own, the network converges to a very similar final loss:
Error@1 12.020 Error@5 0.410
But, when trying to distil from the student network, it fails to learn even that well:
Error@1 13.400 Error@5 0.760
The settings are all the same, as far as I know.
When I made the change to using the extra riffle shuffle I was experimenting with ResNet18, trying to train it from scratch, and that was where I found it helped. These results are with WideResNets, so it could just be an architecture difference. It does suggest that there is some capacity difference between the two parameterisations. But, the fact that it trains the same when not using distillation is concerning.
Looking at the learning curves:
Directly comparing the validation errors and losses to using the extra riffle shuffle, again we only see a difference when training with attention transfer:
Notebook generating these results can be found here.
While checking the kernel matrix parameterisation, I realised that what was currently implemented could not be implemented as a DCT, because the matrix is reshaped in the wrong way. So, what we have is still an effective low-rank matrix approximation, but our claims about efficient test time implementations are undermined.
To fix this, it's more complicated than just reshaping a different way. I
failed to realise before that because the kernel matrix must be square
and the input dimensions must be c_in*k*k
, then the number of output
channels must be c_out*k*k
. So, the matrices are very large. Luckily, we
only scale with n log(n)
There's one way to deal with this problem. Almost all filters that are not
1x1 are 3x3, so the scaling will be limited to a factor of 9. By
coincidence, we are already applying a larger scaling factor, by stacking
ACDC layers in groups of 12. So, we can just stack fewer layers, and
collapse those that are remaining. That will control the growth in
parameters, but in this case, we have issues with the memory expansion of
that many channels in the activations before the contraction occurs, so we
might end up having to use checkpoint
After updating the code to fix the parameterisation problem described yesterday, ran the moonshine experiments again. Unfortunately, it didn't get the same promising results. None of the experiments were able to get past 90% accuracy.
In addition, the original ACDC parameterisation performed better than the parameterisation without the riffle shuffle.
This is a bit strange, because the low-rank parameterisation did work, it just couldn't be implemented using DCTs at test time. So, we have a low-rank parameterisation that can be trained to quite good performance using attention transfer.
It seems likely that the hack to reduce parameter growth when using massive kernel matrices (using less ACDC layers) is probably the culprit here. Given that, we need to go back to using square kernel matrices, but the only convolutions that can trivially have square kernel matrices are 1x1 convolutions.
One way we can make all convolutions in the network 1x1 is to make any that aren't 1x1 separable by preceding them with a 3x3 grouped convolution. Separable convolutions work well with full-rank matrices, so this seems like it might work well.
Unfortunately, that would mean we aren't training networks constrained to be fully low-rank, unless the grouped convolutions were also made from ACDC layers, but that's going to take more development. To begin with, it's worth trying with full-rank 3x3 convolutions.
Now running an experiment with full rank 3x3 grouped convolutions and another with low-rank 3x3 grouped convolutions.
Preliminary result: full rank grouped convolutions and 1x1 ACDC layers works well; reaching the same 91.5% accuracy after 150 epochs. Having the extra riffle shuffle seems to be marginally better, but the difference may not be significant.
Paper about this is now submitted to the CDNNRIA Workshop at NIPS.
Had to fix the parameter counts. A few layers were being ignored by the flaky recursive function. I didn't figure out exactly why that was happening. Instead I just rewrote it so I did understand what it was doing.
Unfortunately, I then realised that there were a few convolutional layers remaining in the network not implemented using the ACDC parameterisation. I then replaced these and ran the experiment again, using only the original ACDC parameterisation.
With full rank 3x3 convolutions, the parameter cost is then:
WRN(40,2) FLOPS params
Original: 3.28304E+08 2.24355E+06
ACDC: 3.32076E+07 4.64420E+04
Without, it is:
WRN(40,2) FLOPS params
Original: 3.28304E+08 2.24355E+06
ACDC: 3.32076E+07 3.87140E+04
So, as expected, not much different. The final performance was a little worse, consistent with what we'd seen before; approximating the first layer is generally bad. Top 1 test error:
full rank 3x3 ACDC 3x3
Scratch: 10.64% 13.46%
Distilled: 10.13% 14.07%
Replacing the first convolution with a separable ACDC convolution appears to affect performance a lot. Strangely, meaning that the distillation doesn't even work. The 3x3 ACDC approximation doesn't save many parameters and costs quite a lot. Also, it seems like it's a bad idea to replace the first layer with anything compresed.
More development needed to figure out how best to run a network with entirely a structured efficient transform; maybe slightly different network structures would work. What we're doing here, subsituting into an existing network, is just the easiest thing to do.
Wrote a wrapper for scipy's minimize. What I would like to do is characterise a set of layers for approximating random matrices, and compare them in terms of how well the approximation of a random matrix is, versus the number of parameters they use. To start with, here is the relationship between number of layers and the final error for a stacked ACDC layer.
2 layers: 0.029214851558208466
4 layers: 0.029352974146604538
8 layers: 0.027544179931282997
16 layers: 0.024741271510720253
32 layers: 0.02224716544151306
It would be interesting to compare this against:
- ShuffleNet's grouped riffle shuffle computations.
- AFDF layers
- Block-diagonal ACDC layers
- Block-diagonal AFDF layers
Hopefully we'll see something interesting with the ability of fourier of cosine basis functions in approximating random matrices; ie that they should be better than just a shuffled sequence of block diagonal matrices. But, I don't know how far the fourier theory from the ACDC paper will take us here. Also, I don't know if this is a good metric to compare theses things: because what we care about is how well these layers will work when placed in a convolutional network, and the layers that depart more from the accepted norms are harder to trust.
Results with random permutations in the ACDC layers:
ACDC_1 with 64 parameters: 0.039945361018180844 +/- 0.005887363463677418
ACDC_2 with 128 parameters: 0.02196877747774124 +/- 0.0013313392086725547
ACDC_4 with 256 parameters: 0.016572200693190098 +/- 0.0012870614529237553
ACDC_8 with 512 parameters: 0.012996809277683496 +/- 0.0012446588624042596
ACDC_16 with 1024 parameters: 0.011954690515995025 +/- 0.0024686511387117167
ACDC_32 with 2048 parameters: 0.009839443862438202 +/- 0.0015687459345148055
Results with riffle shuffles:
ACDC_1 with 64 parameters: 0.03738211020827294 +/- 0.0022882278375070462
ACDC_2 with 128 parameters: 0.022296894714236258 +/- 0.0009171796806360699
ACDC_4 with 256 parameters: 0.01644732430577278 +/- 0.0011384906728047184
ACDC_8 with 512 parameters: 0.015047317650169135 +/- 0.002108139076455881
ACDC_16 with 1024 parameters: 0.014236731920391321 +/- 0.0014999212816127136
ACDC_32 with 2048 parameters: 0.01347635304555297 +/- 0.00204254258469781
With no shuffle at all:
ACDC_1 with 64 parameters: 0.042672832310199735 +/- 0.003499810547424213
ACDC_2 with 128 parameters: 0.021928032301366328 +/- 0.0008551766909467213
ACDC_4 with 256 parameters: 0.016392393223941325 +/- 0.0006724853495840596
ACDC_8 with 512 parameters: 0.016679145488888027 +/- 0.001682481027513029
ACDC_16 with 1024 parameters: 0.019225401058793067 +/- 0.001956640781136026
ACDC_32 with 2048 parameters: 0.021551229804754258 +/- 0.0015830259807328492
Nice that we can see a difference including the shuffle, although it looks like the riffle shuffle might be a bigger problem than I originally thought, but maybe only for larger numbers of stacked ACDC layers.
And, on this small-dimensional problem, these results are comparing well to the following using ShuffleNet-style linear transforms:
ShuffleNet_1_2 with 544 parameters: 0.011396392062306405 +/- 0.0005741605134364651
ShuffleNet_1_4 with 288 parameters: 0.01899416036903858 +/- 0.0006222816695907676
ShuffleNet_1_8 with 160 parameters: 0.023209663294255733 +/- 0.0006908976389915552
ShuffleNet_1_16 with 96 parameters: 0.025367015972733498 +/- 0.0010036517037232474
ShuffleNet_2_2 with 1056 parameters: 0.0023452310473658145 +/- 0.00021441121269659421
ShuffleNet_2_4 with 544 parameters: 0.00892017288133502 +/- 0.0005600427061291132
ShuffleNet_2_8 with 288 parameters: 0.016848766896873712 +/- 0.0006582309055104109
ShuffleNet_2_16 with 160 parameters: 0.02379257958382368 +/- 0.0005456462720799966
Maybe our ability to fit models using sequences of AFDF layers breaks down at some point?
AFDF_1 with 128 parameters: 0.03980481568723917 +/- 0.003984102545410581
AFDF_2 with 256 parameters: 0.01655638525262475 +/- 0.0010449098074118547
AFDF_4 with 512 parameters: 0.012067265249788761 +/- 0.0026702099380318096
AFDF_8 with 1024 parameters: 0.015203381888568401 +/- 0.004112131461569261
AFDF_16 with 2048 parameters: 0.020533626712858678 +/- 0.0032220299875666486
AFDF_32 with 4096 parameters: 0.019189960323274136 +/- 0.0031443711230626837
There could be problems with the block diagonal parameterisation, because we haven't looked at whether the default initialisation for a grouped convolution is going to be OK in this application.
BDACDC_1_32 with 96 parameters: 0.02391790524125099 +/- 0.0012070046625928183
BDACDC_1_16 with 160 parameters: 0.020100351050496103 +/- 0.0006455927827586273
BDACDC_2_32 with 192 parameters: 0.027115100622177125 +/- 0.0012902570825444987
BDACDC_2_16 with 320 parameters: 0.02770044282078743 +/- 0.0010318889161682182
Took ages to fit the block diagonal AFDF layer, even after enabling the GPU:
BDAFDF_1_32 with 128 parameters: 0.02510499581694603 +/- 0.0023418114179276886
BDAFDF_1_16 with 256 parameters: 0.01609013359993696 +/- 0.0005767606972753613
BDAFDF_2_32 with 256 parameters: 0.10552336601540446 +/- 0.03741079991821692
BDAFDF_2_16 with 512 parameters: 0.005766414804384112 +/- 0.0008107623888132473
When running this experiment, am seeing it converge to the same MSE regardless of which technique is used. Suspect it's something to do with the number of examples being optimised over, so increasing that. Also, increased dimensionality to 64. Example of this problem:
ACDC_1 with 128 parameters: 0.04342527911067009 +/- 0.0032180048761847983
ACDC_2 with 256 parameters: 0.030606068298220636 +/- 0.0019950313822522346
ACDC_4 with 512 parameters: 0.029660494066774845 +/- 0.0010253296901685974
ACDC_8 with 1024 parameters: 0.028287493996322154 +/- 0.0008926166300934539
ACDC_16 with 2048 parameters: 0.028630413487553595 +/- 0.0007667899956134985
ACDC_32 with 4096 parameters: 0.028485263139009474 +/- 0.0005720382728296163
ShuffleNet_1_64 with 128 parameters: 0.028141547180712222 +/- 0.0004525815503431816
ShuffleNet_1_32 with 192 parameters: 0.029686209745705128 +/- 0.0005337902003253972
ShuffleNet_1_16 with 320 parameters: 0.030479111522436143 +/- 0.0006247823584944368
ShuffleNet_1_8 with 576 parameters: 0.03169378656893969 +/- 0.000771356750948077
ShuffleNet_2_64 with 192 parameters: 0.028093631938099863 +/- 0.000386225427504883
ShuffleNet_2_32 with 320 parameters: 0.027812463976442815 +/- 0.0004479525364091455
ShuffleNet_2_16 with 576 parameters: 0.02784652579575777 +/- 0.0004010625743035077
ShuffleNet_2_8 with 1088 parameters: 0.02782885227352381 +/- 0.00040341685137479063
AFDF_1 with 256 parameters: 0.04272959753870964 +/- 0.0016259285338998787
AFDF_2 with 512 parameters: 0.032606665045022964 +/- 0.00225821883216731
AFDF_4 with 1024 parameters: 0.02947993911802769 +/- 0.001343538874680454
AFDF_8 with 2048 parameters: 0.029274813644587994 +/- 0.0014635147233242013
AFDF_16 with 4096 parameters: 0.029484680481255056 +/- 0.001507109038145295
AFDF_32 with 8192 parameters: 0.02903442718088627 +/- 0.001218475544194758
BDACDC_1_64 with 192 parameters: 0.027915137261152266 +/- 0.0002816616064455024
BDACDC_1_32 with 320 parameters: 0.02780665010213852 +/- 0.0003566181894079184
BDACDC_1_16 with 576 parameters: 0.02789516244083643 +/- 0.0005526298316782186
BDACDC_1_8 with 1088 parameters: 0.027873755618929862 +/- 0.0003564326576096119
BDACDC_2_64 with 384 parameters: 0.028003584966063498 +/- 0.0004749012663952531
BDACDC_2_32 with 640 parameters: 0.027827861346304418 +/- 0.00038511648495479037
BDACDC_2_16 with 1152 parameters: 0.027976127155125142 +/- 0.0004441786977739205
BDACDC_2_8 with 2176 parameters: 0.027731291204690933 +/- 0.00045487549798509195
BDAFDF_1_64 with 256 parameters: 0.04369620494544506 +/- 0.019824162275829112
BDAFDF_1_32 with 512 parameters: 0.030706470459699632 +/- 0.00203823519666471
BDAFDF_1_16 with 1024 parameters: 0.02937733642756939 +/- 0.0014421606125198396
BDAFDF_1_8 with 2048 parameters: 0.029040983505547048 +/- 0.000756705617439621
BDAFDF_2_64 with 512 parameters: 0.11284870952367783 +/- 0.018291394651008656
BDAFDF_2_32 with 1024 parameters: 0.12037206292152405 +/- 0.018722199850772888
BDAFDF_2_16 with 2048 parameters: 0.11587211787700653 +/- 0.015543080093654097
BDAFDF_2_8 with 4096 parameters: 0.109239000082016 +/- 0.012357150491106935
Tried various different settings. Wasn't able to get anything that appeared to work well. I suppose the main problem is, I'm not sure this is a good way to measure how useful the approximation used in each of these cases will be in a deep network. Which makes it difficult to say whether the design of this experiment is good or bad; and trying to figure it out by tweaking the set up/optimiser is not likely to yield anything useful.
We could ground this a little better in deep learning and work with a toy problem, such as MNIST; fitting a model composed using each of the approximation layers. Then, we could compare them based just on cross-entropy loss. However, we'd have the same problem of convergence if we were to use stochastic gradient descent, but a better optimiser may get trapped in local minima.
Logistic regression is convex, so we don't have to worry about that. And, if we use a subset of MNIST, it should optimise relatively quickly. Unfortunately, there is another concern: most of these methods are only defined on square matrices, and mapping from the 784 dimensions of MNIST's input image to the 10 classes is a problem.
Unsure how to proceed. What we need is to run an experiment with a reasonable number of parameters (experiments on CIFAR-10 used too few parameters). But, it's not clear what the right way to run that experiment might be. I had hoped to get a metric on which type of structured efficient layer would be best to subsitute into a network, then I could just substitute it in. So far these metrics haven't worked out very well.
Maybe that's the wrong way to approach this. This work is supposed to focus on the ACDC structured efficient linear layer, so we should just focus on designing a network that uses these layers and still achieves good performance.
One step we could take immediately would be to use a teacher network that already incorporates grouped convolutions. That way, we don't lose parameters twice: once with the move to separable convolutions and again in the move from full to ACDC convolutions.
A good candidate for this would be MobileNet, as it's already an efficient network, so making it more efficient would be impressive, and it's tunable, so we can actively compare to itself at different tuned sizes.
To run this experiment we just need to incorporate MobileNet into the moonshine code, test it and allow substitution of convolutional blocks.
At that point, it may be worth comparing the performance of block-diagonal and original ACDC parameterisations.
Step 1 is checking what the parameter cost will be of the transformed MobileNet, and training a standard MobileNet to use as a teacher network.
MobileNetv2 has some annoying channel dimensions, so my simple channel collapsing hacks to work with that won't work. This means that I can't replace as many of the 1x1 convolutions in that network as I can in the original MobileNet. It seems like comparing to the original MobileNet would be more worthwhile:
MobileNetv2 FLOPS params
Original: 9.11550E+07 2.29692E+06
ACDC: 8.21483E+07 1.15126E+06
MobileNet FLOPS params
Original: 4.63544E+07 3.21723E+06
ACDC: 1.13910E+07 8.95460E+04
Unfortunately, the original MobileNet paper didn't report performance on CIFAR-10, or CIFAR-100, so we'll have to start by training MobileNets in different sizes. Then we can tune the ACDC to have the same size as different MobileNets, and try to outperform them.
One positive side to this is that the experiment will be easier to port to ImageNet: plenty of ImageNet experiments using MobileNet are available.
Trained a default sized MobileNet on CIFAR-10 and unfortunately was only able to get the following results:
Error@1 9.340 Error@5 0.460
In the original paper they only train on ImageNet, so I don't know whether to expect this to happen. The training loss is several times higher than the test loss, so there's a bit of overfitting happening.
In the paper they mention that it's important to have very little weight decay on the depthwise filters. That seems like it's only going to exacerbate any problems we have with overfitting, but maybe we can increase the weight decay on other parts of the network at the same time.
Tried that and results were worse, final test error.
Error@1 10.110 Error@5 0.360
Similar trend with train and test loss diverging, so a little bit of overfitting happening.
While looking into the potential to try and compress one of the architecture search architectures (DARTS), found a large mistake in the function to count FLOPS and parameters. Unfortunately, was only counting each stack of ACDC layers as if it were just one layer, meaning the number of parameters in each is underestimated. It was also underestimated in the paper submitted to the NIPS efficiency workshop, so it's probably a good thing it didn't get accepted:
Tiny ConvNet FLOPS params
Original: 1.83065E+07 8.96740E+04
ACDC: 4.60235E+06 1.10050E+04
ResNet18 FLOPS params
Original: 5.55423E+08 1.11740E+07
ACDC: 1.23381E+08 1.51178E+05
WRN(40,2) FLOPS params
Original: 3.28304E+08 2.24355E+06
ACDC: 5.26963E+07 1.00202E+05
MobileNetv2 FLOPS params
Original: 9.11550E+07 2.29692E+06
ACDC: 2.65222E+08 1.31958E+06
MobileNet FLOPS params
Original: 4.63544E+07 3.21723E+06
ACDC: 5.33176E+07 2.08586E+05
The paper reported WRN(40,2)
's parameters after switching to ACDC layers
as 46K, but it appears to be 100K, while the number of Mult-Add ops was
reported as 33.2M, but was really 52.7M.
As for DARTS, there are some 1x1 convolutions which we could substitute with stacked ACDC layers, but the reduction in parameters is small. Also, the number of channels in them is smaller than in the WRN, so the logarithmic scaling in floating point operations doesn't help, and it takes as many FLOPS as using the naive convolution:
Original: 5.38201E+08 3.34934E+06
ACDC: 5.38201E+08 1.95225E+06
The number for parameter count is approximately the same as the DARTS paper, so we're probably estimating correctly.
A more promising compression strategy may be to start with a WRN-28-10
Our experiments have already focused on these, so the change we have to
make to start working with them is relatively small. And, because they use
very wide layers, the prospective gains from using a logarithmic scaling
method are much larger. Looks like a network using ACDC layers would have
half as many parameters as MobileNetv2, but use a few times more Mult-Adds:
WRN(28,10) FLOPS params
Original: 5.24564E+09 3.64792E+07
ACDC: 7.99262E+08 5.55498E+05
If that network was able to achieve a top 1 error lower than 5, it would be fairly hard to deny this is a way to approximate layers that can work.
Started experiments using a WRN-28-10 teacher network that starts with a top 1 error of 3.2% on CIFAR-10. One learning without and one with the teacher, both using ACDC layers. Each takes around 12 hours.
The WRN-28-10 with ACDC layers converged to 5.9% error after 200 epochs.
Weight decay was set to 8.8e-6
. Without a teacher network the same
network converged to 8.5% error.
From the learning curves, it looks like a problem with overfitting when setting the weight decay so low. The validation loss diverges after epoch 60. So, I started two new experiments: one with weight decay set globally to 1e-5 and another with weight decay on the ACDC layers set to 8.8e-6 but for everything else the default 5e-4 is preserved.
At the same time, as we'd not done experiments with WRN-28-10 in the moonshine paper, I ran a student network with a G8B2 convolution substitution and got a final top 1 error of 3.34%, which has the following resource requirements:
Mult-Adds: 7.57734E+08
Params: 4.78511E+06
Which is actually relatively competitive with work like CondenseNet (CondenseNet-182 was around 4e6 parameters and had a top-1 error of approx 3.75%).
Ran a week ago, but the results weren't noted here after the experiment.
When the weight decay for the ACDC layers and traditional layers are separated, as described above, the top-1 error converged to 5%. This is competitive with the smaller CondenseNets on CIFAR-10.