Tells you what's in your current Eve Online skill queue and when it will run out.
- An Eve Online account
- A version of the reve gem that supports the skill_queue api, like (I couldn't get lisa's to install)
- A Google Account with AppEngine for Java enabled
- JRuby 1.3 or greater
- The following gems must be installed in your JRuby environment: ** warbler ** dm-core ** dm-validations ** dm-datastore-adapter ** dsander-reve ** hpricot (~>0.6.1) ** lstoll-rb-gae-support
- Copy appengine-web.xml.example to appengine-web.xml
- Use "jruby -S warble" to create a skeve.war file and the tmp/war directory
- " update tmp/war/" to upload the application to Google