Dalesbred is a breed of domestic sheep originating in the United Kingdom.
It is also a library that strives to make database access from Java nicer. Dalesbred assumes that SQL is a great way to access database, but that JDBC as an API causes pain. Therefore it wraps JDBC with a set of helpers while still providing access to low-level functionality.
Visit the Dalesbred website for details.
Add dependency to your pom.xml
Create a class with public fields, normal JavaBean accessors or a constructor matching your SQL-query. For example:
public class Department {
public int id;
public String name;
Create a database connection:
Database db = Database.forUrlAndCredentials("jdbc:example-url", "login", "password");
Fetch matching rows from table:
List<Department> departments = db.findAll(Department.class,
"select id, name from department where name like ?", "%foo");
Insert a new row:
db.update("insert into user (id, name) values (?, ?)", 42, "Example User");
If you're using IntelliJ IDEA, check out Dalesbred IDEA Plugin, which provides inspections for common errors (e.g. mismatch between query parameters and query).