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Implement Transformers (and Deep Learning) from scratch in NumPy


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Poor Man's Transformers

Advanced Deep Learning from the ground-up.

The idea of this repository is to implement the necessary framework and layers of a transformer using just numpy for learning purposes. The end goal is to train a Transformer model on QQP or a model that performs Named Entity Recognition (NER) decently. I was inspired by ML-From-Scratch, the Advanced Machine Learning Specialization, and the Natural Language Processing Specialization.

Self-imposed rules for developing this toy framework:

  • Use only the python standard library and numpy as a (tensor algebra) dependency. I relaxed this rule a bit to include some other useful features such as a progress bar for the training loop (using tqdm) and visualizations ( with matplotlib).
  • Readability is more important than efficiency here. Code is not optimal but should be clear.
  • No scooping at PyTorch, TensorFlow, or tinygrad implementations.

πŸ““ Development log

I'm keeping track of my progress in this section, so it can be used for future reference when learning Deep Learning from the very basics.


πŸ”– First steps: basic layers and training framework for an MLP

First things first, I need to implement the basic structure of the framework and be able to train a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) with it. I base my work on ML-From-Scratch Deep Learning implementation and an assignment from the Introduction to Deep Learning course.

Even though this was supposed to be an easy step, I ended up spending a lot of time on it trying to come up with the simplest OOP architecture possible. New layers have to be easy to code, and I also want to experiment with different optimizers (SGD, Adam, RMSProp), learning rate schedules, activation functions (ReLU, tanh, sigmoid, Softmax, LogSoftmax), custom loss functions (sum binary cross-entropy and categorical cross-entropy as used for training BERT) and easily handle input & output flow (serial, parallel, concatenations, skip-connections). At the same time, I wouldn't like to waste time building a flexible and feature-rich framework since we already have PyTorch, TensorFlow with Keras, JAX, and Google Trax for that.

To keep this toy "framework" as simple as possible, I want to minimize the number of base classes. I ended up with: Layer, Parameter (used in a Layer with an associated Optimizer), Trainer, and Loss. Activation functions are a subclass of a Layer object. This simplification comes with its costs, of course, in terms of RAM usage: more "intermediate" tensors will be stored in memory. When training a Dense layer with a ReLU activation, for example, both the linear combination and the rectified (max(X, 0)) tensors will be stored in memory. I do not intend to run this framework on a GPU, so RAM usage is not a big concern right now. Each layer will implement its backpropagation step, the derivatives with respect to each parameter (Jacobian matrix) have to be computed because I don't want to implement a tool such as Autograd to do this automatically.

Here's the list of objects I implemented:

πŸ“Œ Layer and Activation

A layer performs two operations: forward propagation and backward propagation. For doing the forward pass, it receives an input batch X and uses its Parameters to compute the output batch. And in the case of the backward pass, it receives the accumulated gradient grad (which represents the derivatives d_loss / d_layer for each element in the batch) to compute and propagate to the previous layer: d_loss / d_input = d_loss / d_layer Β· d_layer / d_input. It also receives the input batch X used in the forward step to compute the gradients with respect to the parameters d_loss / d_parameter = d_loss / d_layer Β· d_layer / d_parameter. Next, it calls the update method on all Parameters which use an Optimizer instance to update their weights. Finally, the accumulated gradient d_loss / d_input is returned to proceed with the network's backward propagation.

When instantiated, an input_shape and output_shape could be set, or else they will be set by the Trainer during the model's initialization step. The initial weights of each Parameter also need to be defined during this step.

An Activation is a special type of Layer whose input_shape and output_shape are the same.

βœ”οΈ Layer βœ”οΈ Activation βœ… Dense βœ… ReLU βœ… Softmax βœ… LogSoftmax βœ… Dropout

πŸ“Œ Parameter and Optimizer

A Parameter is instantiated only by a Layer. Its weights can be accessed by calling the Parameter instance and are updated during back-propagation using the update method. For update to be called, an Optimizer instance needs to be set and its initial weights need to be defined during the Layer's initialization.

Each Parameter instantiated in the framework will have a copy of an Optimizer instance with the properties defined by the Trainer object. The Optimizer is in charge of updating the parameter's value and may store auxiliary variables to do so, hence, each parameter has a unique copy of it. Again, it set by the Trainer during the model's initialization.

βœ”οΈ Parameter βœ”οΈ Optimizer βœ… Adam

πŸ“Œ Loss and Metric

These classes are pretty straightforward: instances are called with the ground truth y and predictions y_hat (or prediction's probabilities logits) and return the calculated metric. The Loss class also returns the gradient d_loss / d_yhat to begin the backward propagation.

βœ”οΈ Loss βœ”οΈ Metric βœ… CategoricalCrossEntropy βœ… Accuracy

πŸ“Œ Model, Trainer, and DataGeneratorWrapper

Instead of following Keras-style Sequential Model and the model.compile() method to define the optimizer, loss, and metrics, a Model in this framework is just a list of Layer instances (I think this will help us handle complex flows with stack operations). Hence, I defined the Trainer which receives a model, optimizer, loss, learning rate schedule, early stopping, and metrics to run the supervised training with training and evaluation data generators. This approach resembles the Trax framework more than Keras or PyTorch.

The fit method in Trainer is the key function of this class. It prepares the model by setting and validating the input_shape and output_shape for every layer, and initializing the layer's weights. Training and evaluation data is passed via a generator function that has to be written for every particular dataset and needs to be wrapped using the DataGeneratorWrapper whose only purpose is to initialize the generator with all the arguments passed so that the data could be "rewound" at the beginning of each epoch.

βœ”οΈ Trainer βœ”οΈ DataGeneratorWrapper

⚠️ Challenges

The most difficult part of this first step was to do the backwards propagation. I needed to compute Jacobian matrices of several vector functions. The following articles helped me clarify the math needed:

πŸ’Ž Sample code

βœ”οΈ MLP for MNIST Digit recognition

cd examples

🚧 Word Embeddings

My next goal is to have an Embedding layer implemented and try it out by replicating word2vec models using both the Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Skip-Gram architectures. We should be able to generate word embeddings and compare their accuracy on the Semantic-Syntactic Word Relationship test set mentioned in word2vec's paper.

With the framework in place and validated with the Multilayer Perceptron trained on MNIST, this part should have been a matter of adding some subclasses and helper functions... but it wasn't. A very basic example with the CBOW model was created by just adding the Embedding and AxisMean layers. There were two problems though: first, it's not an exact replica of the model architecture since Softmax will propagate the gradients to all the words in the vocabulary (Hierarchical Softmax is used in word2vec which is faster). Second, the lack of a Lambda layer which computes and propagates the gradients of a user-defined forward function is difficult to code (not impossible, but we don't want autograd here).

The skip-gram implementation, with negative sampling, is more faithful to its original implementation. But another problem arises here: a Model, defined as a list of Layer objects, doesn't support multiple input branches (we need both the target word and the context/negative word to be passed through the same Embedding layer and then merge them with a dot product). The quick and dirty fix here is to pass both target and context through the Embedding layer and create a AxisDot layer which computes the dot product along the axis whose shape is 2. A Sigmoid layer is used here, which is a simpler version of the Softmax layer.

πŸ“Œ Embedding

The Embedding layer is equivalent to a Dense layer if we converted the word representations (numbers in the range [0, vocab_size)) to their one-hot representation and performed a matrix-matrix dot product between the input and weights. Here instead, the layer takes the word representation (integer between 0 and vocab_size-1) and use it to index the weights' matrix. We avoid doing a matrix-matrix dot product which is more expensive.

βœ… Embedding

πŸ“Œ AxisMean

The CBOW model works by averaging the embeddings of a context window surrounding the target word. The dimension average is usually done by a Lambda layer which takes a lambda function and use it as the forward propagation step. Frameworks have tools like autograd to compute a gradient (formally, jacobian) given the forward function. For simplicity, I created the AxisMean layer instead of a Lambda layer which doesn't require the aforementioned tool.

βœ… AxisMean

🚧 AxisDot

βœ… AxisDot

🚧 BinaryCrossEntropy

βœ… BinaryCrossEntropy

πŸ“Œ RMSProp

Implementing this optimizer is straightforward. Just need to keep a moving average of the element-wise squared gradient and use its squared root when updating the weights.

βœ… RMSProp

⚠️ Challenges

Implementing backpropagation for the Embedding layer was a bit tricky but not as hard as the Softmax and LogSoftmax layers. The following resources guided me through this step:

As mentioned above, implementing the CBOW and Skip-gram architectures wasn't simple. I followed these articles:

Subsampling and negative sampling formulas used are explained in the following sources:

Training word embeddings like those they released by word2vec is painfully slow and difficult. It's also very hard to debug since we didn't follow the code they've released in C but copied the architecture they describe in their papers. To validate that our network is working I created this toy example that trains a very basic embedding of 2 dimensions with a vocabulary of words "Paris", "France", "Berlin", and "Germany". I got promising results like the following:

Basic word2vec embedding

The vector "Paris" -> "France" is almost the same as "Berlin" -> "Germany" indicating that this direction in the embedding represents "is the capital of".

🚧 Sample code

🚧 Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) with Text8

cd examples

🚧 Skip-gram with Text8

cd examples

🚧 Handling non-sequential architectures

So far we created very simple model architectures that can be implemented as a sequence of layers. We could define the multi-layer perceptron, convolutional neural networks, and, with some tricks (like AxisDot), the skip-gram model in the previous section. But looking at more complex architectures, like the encoder-decoder transformer, we see that tensors don't flow in a sequential manner. More generally, deep neural networks can be seen as directed acyclic multi-graphs with several inputs and outputs, and residual operations. I tried to extend the original Layer class to support networks but then realized that the framework is inflexible. I also began using PyTorch and found its nn.Module component practical for defining any kind of architecture and connections (no need to use combinator layers for example). Coding in a Deep Neural network on PyTorch is more natural. I therefore replicate this component from scratch, with another caveat: since anyone can extend this module to implement any type of operation, automatic gradient computation is a must.


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