Hexagon routines for use in for software that uses hexagon grids. Can be used for pointy-topped or flat-topped hexes and offset, axial or cube coordinate systems.
Uses ideas from Amit Patel's brilliant http://www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/.
Nuget package download: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Zen.Hexagons/1.0.7
To use:
var hexLibrary = new Zen.Hexagons.HexLibrary(HexType.FlatTopped, OffsetCoordinatesType.Odd, 64.0f);
var hexCube = hexLibrary.OffsetCoordinatesToCube(new HexOffsetCoordinates(2, 2));
var hexAxial = hexLibrary.OffsetCoordinatesToAxial(new HexOffsetCoordinates(2, 2));
var neighbors = hexLibrary.GetAllNeighbors(new HexOffsetCoordinates(1, 1));
var neighborNW = hexLibrary.GetNeighbor(new HexOffsetCoordinates(1, 1), Direction.NorthWest);
var ring1 = hexLibrary.GetSingleRing(new HexOffsetCoordinates(1, 1), 1);
var ring2 = hexLibrary.GetSingleRing(new HexOffsetCoordinates(2, 2), 2);
var ring3 = hexLibrary.GetSpiralRing(new HexOffsetCoordinates(2, 2), 2);
var line = hexLibrary.GetLine(new HexOffsetCoordinates(1, 0), new HexOffsetCoordinates(3, 4));
var distance = hexLibrary.GetDistance(new HexOffsetCoordinates(1, 0), new HexOffsetCoordinates(3, 4));
var pixel = hexLibrary.FromOffsetCoordinatesToPixel(new HexOffsetCoordinates(1, 1));
var coords = hexLibrary.FromPixelToOffsetCoordinates(96, 166);
Written by Greg Moller ([email protected])
If you have any questions drop me a line at the above email.
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENCE file for more information.