Links and documents:
In the host system, clone the repo:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:glpuga/ariac2021ws.git
cd ariac2021ws
git checkout main
Build the container:
cd docker
Within the container build the worspace and launch the sample environment:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch tijchallenger gear.launch trial_config:=sample_kitting.yaml
That will launch the simulated environment. It may take a bit to load the first time since Gazebo will download a number of models to prepare the environment.
Once the simulation is up, open a second terminal and join the same running container as before:
cd ariac2021ws/docker
source devel/setup.bash
Finally, launch the competition node.
roslaunch tijchallenger challenger.launch
The node will start the competition mode and the robots will begin completing the orders in the trial configuration file.