Our IMDbc project is a Internet Movie Database (IMDb) clone. It's an online database of information related to films, including cast, directors, film abstract, official poster and comments or movie reviews.
The site enables registered users to submit comments / reviews, add movies to their personal watchlist, favorite movies and track all of their site activity.
- Has user authentication with password stored securely
- Provides ability to search for movies
- Movies could be added to a watch list
- Movies could be favorited
- Movies could have conversations
- There should be an activity feed
- This information should all be viewable on a user’s profile
- Built using Ruby 2.4.1 and Rails 5.1.3
macOS version (~> 10.1)
Ruby 2.4.1
Rails 5.1.3
PostgreSQL 9.6.3
$ git clone https://github.com/hawkenritter/imdb-groupproject.git
$ cd imdb-groupproject
$ bundle install
$ rails db:setup
$ rails server
The website uses a Postgres database
- postgres (PostgreSQL) 9.6.3
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
$ rspec
We encourage you to contribute to IMDbc! Please email [email protected] to get a copy of our 'Contributing to IMDbc Guide' and 'Code of Conduct'.
Trying to report a possible security vulnerability or bug? Please email [email protected]
IMDbc is released under the MIT License.