Robot Arm Demo with WinML
:: open a ROS build window.
md c:\demo_ws
cd c:\demo_ws
:: download demo.rosinstall to c:\demo_ws
wstool init src demo.rosinstall
:: install the system dependencies and Python modules.
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
:: now build everything.
catkin_make_isolated --use-ninja --only-pkg-with-deps ur3_k4a-moveit_config --merge
:: additional required modules for rosbridge
pip install ptvsd
:: use tornado 4.x because newer version is not yet supported by rosbridge
pip uninstall tornado
pip install -U tornado==4.5.3
Important Notes:
needs to be allowed in the firewall because the UR3 driver modal requires the robot to talk back to the host machine over TCP socket.
:: in the same ROS build window.
roslaunch k4a_arm_support k4a_demo.launch robot_ip:= -v
:: Install Visual Studio 2017.
choco install visualstudio2017community
:: Install Windows 10 SDK 1809.
choco install windows-sdk-10-version-1809-all
- Open ".\UWPApp\embedded_world.sln"
- Now you can build & debug the App.
:: launch moveit planning for UR3
roslaunch ur3_k4a-moveit_config UR3_with_k4a_execution.launch robot_ip:= -v