The effect of sertraline on networks of mood and anxiety symptoms: secondary analyses of the PANDA randomised controlled trial
Giulia Piazza
This repository contains code used in the analysis for the manuscript “The effect of sertraline on networks of mood and anxiety symptoms: secondary analyses of the PANDA randomised controlled trial”. The code in the folder “analysis” can be run in R or R Studio. Scripts are numbered, and should be run in order (this can be done by running pipeline.R). Tables, network matrices and figures are saved in the folder “results”.
This script runs all subsequent scripts in the analysis.
This script loads and inspects data, tidying data frames to be used in linear mixed models and network analyses.
This script estimates linear mixed models.
This script estimates contemporaneous networks and compares network structures with the Network Comparison Test.
This script estimates temporally lagged networks, and compares network structures with model comparisons (fit indices, chi-square comparison).
This script plots and saves relevant figures.