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The data-driven content object enables you to display your data in a custom third-party visualization, within your SAS Visual Analytics report. The third-party visualization can be authored in any JavaScript charting framework, such as D3.js, Google Charts, or CanvasJS. The visualization in a data-driven content object receives its data query fr…


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SAS Visual Analytics third party visualizations

This project contains code samples that can be used as data-driven content within a SAS Visual Analytics (VA) report. For additional information, see Programming Considerations for Data-Driven Visualizations.


It contains the functions you need to send/receive messages to/from SAS Visual Analytics. You must include the following line in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../util/messagingUtil.js"></script>


Sets a callback function to handle messages received from VA.


  • callback is the callback function name that you must define.


Sends back to VA a message containing selections made in the third-party visualization. VA will use that information to either filter or select (brush) other report objects, depending on the Actions defined between the data-driven object and other VA report objects. It leverages function postMessage internally.


va.messagingUtil.postSelectionMessage(resultName, selectedRows)
  • resultNameis the name of the associated query result, which is obtained from the message received from VA (
  • selectedRows is an array of numbers (e.g. [0, 3, 4]) or objects (e.g. [{row: 0}, {row: 3}, {row: 4}]) that contains the indexes of the selected rows, as they appear in


Sends back to VA an instructional message. This message is displayed in the data-driven content object in the VA report and is useful for sending text messages back to report authors informing required roles, their assignment order, types, etc. It leverages function postMessage internally.


va.messagingUtil.postInstructionalMessage(resultName, strMessage)
  • resultNameis the name of the associated query result, which is obtained from the message received from VA (
  • strMessage is the text message to be sent.


Sends back a message to VA.


  • objMessage is an object that contains either the selection or the instructional message to be sent to VA. Functions postSelectionMessage and postInstructionalMessage are wrappers for this function. Example of selection message: {       resultName: "dd46",       selections: [0, 3, 4] } Example of instructional message: {       resultName: "dd34",       message: "Please, assign proper roles" }


Extracts parameter values assigned directly in the Data-Driven Content URL.


value = va.messagingUtil.getUrlParams(name)
  • name is the optional parameter name.
  • Possible return values: If name is an existing parameter, returns it's value If nameis not an existing parameter, returns null If nameis not informed, returns and object with all parameters name-value pairs: {name1:value1, name2:value2, name3:value3, ...}


It contains the functions you need to validate the data received from VA. You must include the following line in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../util/contentUtil.js"></script>


Sets a callback function to handle window resizing events.


  • callback is the callback function name that you must define. That's normally the function that re-draws the chart.


Checks if the data received from VA have all the columns (number, sequence, and type) required for the visualization.


isValid = va.contentUtil.validateRoles(resultData, expectedTypes, optionalTypes)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • expectedTypes is an array describing the types of the columns that are required. The order is important and indicates the sequence that columns are assigned in the Roles tab in VA. Example: ["string", "number", "number"]. Valid types are "string", "number", and "date".
  • optionalTypes is an array describing the types of the columns that are optional. The order is important and indicates the sequence that columns are assigned in the Roles tab in VA, after the required columns. Example: ["string", "number", "number"]. Because they are optional, the number of optional columns and optional types provided don't need to match. Type comparison will be made while there is still a column and a type to be compared, and the rest will be ignored. One or more optional columns of same type can be represented as a single type instead of an array, for example: "number" indicates that all optional columns, if existent, must be numeric columns. An empty array [] indicates their types can be anything. A value null indicates no optional columns are accepted. Valid types are "string", "number", and "date".
  • Returns true or false.


Uses the message received from VA to extract information about selections made in VA objects. After extracting selection information, the "brush" column is removed from the message.


selections = va.contentUtil.initializeSelections(resultData)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • Returns selections, an array of objects containing the indexes of the selected rows (e.g. [{row: 2}, {row: 5}])


Transforms the message received from VA so that date values (represented as strings) are converted to Date objects. This standardizes date representation and might be helpful to support further transformations and formatting on dates.


  • resultData is the message received from VA (


Extracts parameter information from message received from VA.


parameters = va.messagingUtil.getVAParameters(resultData)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • Returns parameters, an object containing each parameter name and value (e.g. {<param_label_1>:<param_value_1>, ... , <param_label_n>:<param_value_n>}). If a certain <param_label> contains multiple values, its <param_value> is an array.


It contains helper functions you most likely need with Google Charts. You must include the following lines in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../thirdPartyHelpers/google.js"></script>


Uses the data and columns keys from the VA message to create a DataTable object. Google Charts take DataTable as input data for its charts, but in addition to that, DataTable offers a series of methods that can help with table manipulation. More information on DataTable can be found here.


dataTable = va.googleHelper.createDataTable(resultData)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • Returns dataTable, the input data as a DataTable object.


Uses the columns metadata within the message received from VA to update column formats in a DataTable object. Only numeric and date columns are affected. Supported formats are: DOLLAR, COMMA, F, BEST, and PERCENT for numeric, and MONYY, MMYY, MMDDYY, DATE, DDMMYY, WORDDATE, YYMMDD, and DATETIME for dates. Other column formats are kept unchanged.


va.googleHelper.formatData(dataTable, resultData)
  • dataTable is the input data as a DataTable object.
  • resultData is the message received from VA (


Uses the columns metadata within the message received from VA to update/add a vAxis.format or a hAxis.format in the Google Charts options variable. Only numeric columns are affected. Supported VA formats are: DOLLAR, COMMA, F, BEST, and PERCENT. Other column formats are kept unchanged.


va.googleHelper.formatAxis(axis, options, resultData)
  • axis is a string that indicates a vertical or horizontal axis. Valid axis values are 'vAxis' and 'hAxis'.
  • options is the JSON object that holds Google Charts options.
  • resultData is the message received from VA (


It contains helper functions you most likely need with D3 charts. You must include the following line in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../thirdPartyHelpers/d3.js"></script>


Uses the columns metadata within the message received from VA to configure D3 formats. Only numeric columns are affected. Supported VA formats are: DOLLAR, COMMA, F, BEST, and PERCENT. Other columns formats are kept unchanged.


formatter = va.d3Helper.configureFormatter(resultData)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • Returns formatter, an object containing key/value pairs where the key is the column label and the value is a d3.format function for each one of the supported numeric columns (e.g. {'Average Sales': d3.format('$6,.2f'), 'Percent Comparison': d3.format('4,.1%')} )


Uses the columns metadata within the message received from VA to configure D3 formats. This function is similar to va.d3Helper.configureFormatter, but the format returned doesn't have any decimal places. Only numeric columns are affected. Supported VA formats are: DOLLAR, COMMA, F, BEST, and PERCENT. Other columns formats are kept unchanged.


axisFormatter = va.d3Helper.configureAxisFormatter(resultData)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • Returns axisFormatter, an object containing key/value pairs where the key is the column label and the value is a d3.format function for each one of the supported numeric columns (e.g. {'Average Sales': d3.format('$6,f'), 'Percent Comparison': d3.format('4,%')} )


It contains helper functions you most likely need with C3 charts. You must include the following line in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../thirdPartyHelpers/c3.js"></script>


Uses the data and columns keys from the VA message to create the chart data JSON object, necessary to draw the C3 chart. If necessary, this function also sets the appropriate configuration to unload the existing chart prior to re-drawing it.


chartData = va.c3Helper.configureChartData(resultData, chartType, previousConfig)
  • resultData is the message received from VA (
  • chartType is the chart type string as defined in C3 documentation.
  • previousConfig is the previous chartData JSON object that was assigned to the datakey in function c3.generate({... , data: , ...}) to draw the C3 chart. Information from previousConfig is compared with the information from resultData to determine if the existing chart must be unload due to changes in the new data received from VA. null indicates there is no previous configuration (chart was never drawn).
  • Returns chartData, a JSON object to be assigned to the data key when calling the function c3.generate({... , data: chartData, ...}) to draw the C3 chart. It has the following structure:
      type: <chartType parameter>,
      x: <label of category column>,
                  <array of column labels>,
                  <array of row1 values>,
                  ... ,
                  <array of rowN values>
                  x: <label of category column>,
                  value: <array of all numeric columns labels>


It contains the functions you need to create CAS sessions and execute CAS actions from SAS Visual Analytics. Those functions were designed and tested with VA 8.3 (SAS Viya 3.4) and above, up to VA 8.5 (SAS Viya 3.5). Internal implementation and REST APIs used may differ depending the the SAS Viya version. Decisions are made based on the VA version detected. You must include the following line in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../util/casUtil.js"></script>


Leverages SAS Viya REST API to create a CAS session that you can use to execute CAS actions. It uses the following endpoints internally: VA 8.3 and above on SAS Viya 3.4: /casManagement/servers and /casProxy/servers/<serverName>/cas/sessions VA 8.5 on SAS Viya 3.5: /casManagement/servers and /casManagement/servers/<serverName>/sessions


  • Alias: startSession
  • Uses getCasServerName and getAppVersion internally
  • Returns a promise for sessionInfo, an object containing CAS server name, CSRF token of the service used to create the session (casManagement or casProxy, depending on the VA version), session id, and session owner user id. For example: {       casServerName: 'cas-shared-default',       csrfToken: 'f00cc954-040b-4407-b5ac-75a22df56ca3',       sessionId: '233c1c87-2016-1a41-8e99-461233aa306f',       userId: 'sasxyz' }

Note: If you have more than one server, it returns the first one on the list.


Leverages SAS Viya REST API to execute CAS actions by using the following endpoint: /casProxy/servers/<serverName>/cas/sessions/<sessId>/actions/<action>


va.casUtil.casAction(serverName, sessId, action, data).then(function(response){...})
  • serverName is the SAS Viya server name (e.g. 'cas-shared-default')
  • sessId is the CAS session ID (e.g. '233c1c87-2016-1a41-8e99-461233aa306f')
  • action is the CAS action (e.g. 'update', 'fetch', etc.)
  • data is the CAS action dependent payload as an object or in stringified JSON format. E.g. for a fetch action: {       "table": {             "name": "CARS",             "caslib": "Public",             "where": "Origin='Asia'"       },       "fetchVars": [             {"name": "Invoice"}       ] }
  • Returns a promise for response, an object containing the data for the action called. See documentation for specific CAS action in


Leverages SAS Viya REST API to obtain the CAS server name. It uses the following endpoint internally: /casManagement/servers


  • Returns a promise for serverInfo, an object containing CAS server name and CSRF token of the service used to create the session. For example: {       casServerName: 'cas-shared-default',       csrfToken: 'f00cc954-040b-4407-b5ac-75a22df56ca3' }

Note: If you have more than one server, it returns the first one on the list.


Leverages SAS Viya REST API to obtain the CSRF token for a specified service. It uses the following endpoint internally: /<service>/


  • service is the name of the service you want to obtain the CSRF token for, e.g. 'casProxy'.
  • Returns a promise for token, a string containing the CSRF token of the service, e.g. 'f00cc954-040b-4407-b5ac-75a22df56ca3'.

Note: Token values for each service are cached internally for future calls to this function.


Leverages SAS Viya REST API to obtain the version for a specified application. It uses the following endpoint internally: /<app>/apiMeta


  • app is the name of the application you want to obtain the version for, e.g. 'SASVisualAnalytics'.
  • Returns a promise for version, a string containing the application version, e.g. '8.5'.


It contains utility functions to support easier integration between SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Jobs. You must include the following line in the <head> of the web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../util/jobUtil.js"></script>


Transforms the data received from VA and adds extra format information for SAS Jobs to use.


  • resultData is the message received from VA ( that will be transformed.


  • Modifications performed on depend on the data type:

    • String:
      • missing values come as "(missing)" and are modified to "".
    • Date:
      • values come as formatted strings according to their date formats. They are transformed to their corresponding SAS date numbers expressed as number of days since January 1st, 1960.
      • The following date formats are not supported (generate missing values):
        • Day of Year (JULDAY1). E.g.: 176
        • Week (WEEKV2). E.g.: 26
        • Week (WEEKV3). E.g.: W26
        • Year, Week (WEEKV5). E.g.: 15W26
        • Year, Week, Day (WEEKV7). E.g.: 15W2604
        • Year, Week, Day (WEEKV9). E.g.: 2015W2604
        • Year, Week, Day (WEEKV0). E.g.: 2015-W26-04
      • Some date string representations cannot accurately be mapped to one specific date. The formats below are treated by making up day, month, and year values as needed:
        • Day of Month (DAY9). E.g.: 25
        • Day of Week (DOWNAME11). E.g.: Thursday
        • Day of Week (DOWNAME1). E.g.: Thu
        • Day, Date (WEEKDATE9). E.g.: Thursday
        • Day, Date (WEEKDATE3). E.g.: Thu
        • MMMYYYY (MONYY7). E.g.: Jun2015
        • MMYYYY (MMYY8). E.g.: 06/2015
        • Month (MONTH7). E.g.: June
        • Month (MONTH3). E.g.: Jun
        • Month (MONTH2). E.g.: 6
        • Month, Day, Year (WORDDATE9). E.g.: June
        • Month, Day, Year (WORDDATE3). E.g.: Jun
        • Quarter (QTR4). E.g.: Q2
        • Quarter (QTR6). E.g.: 2nd quarter
        • Quarter, Year (YYQC5). E.g.: 2nd quarter 2015
        • Year (YEAR4). E.g.: 2015
        • YYYYMM (YYMM8). E.g.: 2015/06
    • Datetime:
      • values come as formatted strings according to their datetime formats. They are transformed to their corresponding SAS datetime numbers expressed as number of seconds since January 1st, 1960.
      • Some datetime string representations cannot accurately be mapped to one specific datetime. The formats below are treated by making up day, month, and year values as needed:
        • Day, Date (DTWKDATX3). E.g.: Thu
        • Day, Date (DTWKDATX9). E.g.: Thursday
        • Quarter, Year (DTYYQC5). E.g.: 2nd quarter 2015
        • Time (TIMEAMPM5). E.g.: 03:42 PM
        • Time (TIMEAMPM8). E.g.: 03:42:12 PM
        • Time (TIMEAMPM2). E.g.: 15
        • Year (DTYEAR10). E.g.: 2015
  • Formats in VA for number/date/datetime are slightly different compared to SAS Jobs. Job-specific format information is added under resultData.columns and depends on the data type and VA format: {
      ... ,
      columns: [
                      ... ,
                      name4job: <format_name>,
                      type4job: <format_type>,
                      width4job: <format_width>,
                      precision4job: <format_precision>


Pings the app to keep it alive.


  • app is the name of the application, e.g. 'SASJobExecution'.
  • Returns a promise.


Calls pingApp on 1 minute intervals to keep the application alive.


  • app is the name of the application, e.g. 'SASJobExecution'.


The data-driven content object enables you to display your data in a custom third-party visualization, within your SAS Visual Analytics report. The third-party visualization can be authored in any JavaScript charting framework, such as D3.js, Google Charts, or CanvasJS. The visualization in a data-driven content object receives its data query fr…







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