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GitHub-Ldap is a wrapper on top of Net::LDAP to make it human friendly.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'github-ldap'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install github-ldap



GitHub-Ldap let you use an external ldap server to authenticate your users with.

There are a few configuration options required to use this adapter:

  • host: is the host address where the ldap server lives.
  • port: is the port where the ldap server lives.
  • hosts: (optional) an enumerable of pairs of hosts and corresponding ports with which to attempt opening connections (default [[host, port]]). Overrides host and port if set.
  • encryption: is the encryption protocol, disabled by default. The valid options are ssl and tls.
  • uid: is the field name in the ldap server used to authenticate your users, in ActiveDirectory this is sAMAccountName.

Using administrator credentials is optional but recommended. You can pass those credentials with these two options:

  • admin_user: is the the ldap administrator user dn.
  • admin_password: is the password for the administrator user.

Initialize a new adapter using those required options:

  ldap = options

See GitHub::Ldap#initialize for additional options.


Searches are performed against an individual domain base, so the first step is to get a new GitHub::Ldap::Domain object for the connection:

  ldap = options
  domain = ldap.domain("dc=github,dc=com")

When we have the domain, we can check if a user can log in with a given password:

  domain.valid_login? 'calavera', 'secret'

Or whether a user is member of the given groups:

  entry = ldap.domain('uid=calavera,dc=github,dc=com').bind
  domain.is_member? entry, %w(Enterprise)

Virtual Attributes

Some LDAP servers have support for virtual attributes, or overlays. These allow to perform queries more efficiently on the server.

To enable virtual attributes you can set the option virtual_attributes initializing the ldap connection. We use our default set of virtual names if this option is just set to true.

  ldap = {virtual_attributes: true}

You can also override our defaults by providing your server mappings into a Hash. The only mapping supported for now is to check virtual membership of individuals in groups.

  ldap = {virtual_attributes: {virtual_membership: 'memberOf'}}

Testing support

GitHub-Ldap uses ladle for testing. Ladle is not required by default, so you'll need to add it to your gemfile separatedly and require it.

Once you have it installed you can start the testing ldap server in the setup phase for your tests:

require 'github/ldap/server'

def setup

def teardown

GitHub-Ldap includes a set of configured users for testing, but you can provide your own users into a ldif file:

def setup
  GitHub::Ldap.start_server \
    user_fixtures: ldif_path

If you provide your own user fixtures, you'll probably need to change the default user domain, the administrator name and her password:

def setup
  GitHub::Ldap.start_server \
    user_fixtures:  ldif_path,
    user_domain:    'dc=evilcorp,dc=com'
    admin_user:     'uid=eviladmin,dc=evilcorp,dc=com',
    admin_password: 'correct horse battery staple'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


This section is for gem maintainers to cut a new version of the gem. See jch/release-scripts for original source of release scripts.

  • Create a new branch from master named release-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the version to be released
  • Update github-ldap.gemspec to x.y.z following semver
  • Run script/changelog and paste the draft into Edit as needed
  • Create pull request to solict feedback
  • After merging the pull request, on the master branch, run script/release