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Polyfill for the ARIA Notification API

The goal of this library is to polyfill ariaNotify so that it can be used seamlessly across browsers that support the native functionality, and those that don't. This adds the Element.prototype.ariaNotify function if it does not exist, emulating the native functionality.

This is used in production on


In browsers where ariaNotify is supported it will emit a notification event. In browsers where it isn't supported this library will create a "fake" element that is an aria-live region, insert it into the DOM, and modify the text content of the element to place the given message in, achieving a similar effect to the native functionality.


This is only meant to be used in a browser context. It should not be used on the server. To install this you will likely need npm.

$ npm i @github/ariaNotify-polyfill

In your JavaScript you can introduce the polyfill using a "bare" import:

import "@github/ariaNotify-polyfill"

Then continue to use ariaNotify as if it were supported everywhere. A small contrived example:



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license. Please refer to MIT for the full terms.


The @github/accessibility and @github/primer teams maintain this library.


This library is provided "as is". Please feel free to file issues; however, we offer no time frame for correspondence or resolution of any issues.


Special thanks to Microsoft and the ARIA Working Group for making ariaNotify a possibility.