This project was an incredible lab for me and I learned many things. However, the node.js changed a lot and I don't have time at the moment to upgrade it. So, I decided to archive this repo. To everyone that (still!) uses this lib, I recommend the amazing project agenda
Thank you for all support. See ya!
A Task scheduler for node.js, with cron-syntax, specific execution intervals and due dates.
npm install --save node-task-scheduler
var nts=require('node-task-scheduler');
var scheduler = nts.init({
// add some parameters! Check wiki for details
global.scheduler = scheduler; //available to entire application
//starting previous tasks
console.log("Previous tasks loaded:");
//adding task, to be executed each minute, until endDate
scheduler.addTask('hello', {hello: 'world'}, function(args, callback){
console.log("Hello from hello! ", "ARGS: "+args.hello);
}, "0 * * * * *", endDate);
//removing the task
scheduler.removeTask('hello', function(){
console.log("Task 'hello' removed.");
Yes, we have a wiki! Click here for details.