Made in React Native, constructed with Expo CLI, utilizing the superheroAPI and ComicVine API.
My first React Native project!
The main focus here was to make external API calls to pull superhero infomation from a third party site.
- 📊 Stats Graph
- 🎥 List of Movies
- 📅 Timeline of Appearances
- 🎞 Streaming Links
No current Deployment
From your command line, first clone this repo:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd hero
# Remove current origin repository
$ git remote remove origin
First you need to install Nodejs and npm, this is different depending on the OS you are running so it is easier to check the node page
Install expo, if it fails run you might need to run this with sudo
npm install expo-cli --global
Install the needed packages while in the root folder of the project
npm install
To Start expo all you have to do is run this line
expo start
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!