This is a demonstration of CIBA authentication flow with Keycloak as authorization server.
ciba-consumer->>Keycloak: Authentication request (scope, username, message)
Keycloak->>ciba-relying-party: Authentication request data to backchannel URI
ciba-relying-party->>Keycloak: HTTP 201
Keycloak->>ciba-consumer: auth_req_id, expires_in, interval
ciba-relying-party->>ciba-authenticator: Notification
ciba-authenticator->>ciba-relying-party: Accept/Reject
ciba-relying-party->>Keycloak: Status (SUCCEED/UNAUTHORIZED/CANCELLED)
ciba-consumer->>Keycloak: Poll status using auth_req_id
Keycloak->>ciba-consumer: Issue access token, ID token, refresh token
- JDK 21
- Docker
- Docker Compose
./gradlew bootJar
docker compose up --build
Go to http://localhost:8080, sign in using "admin" as username and password.
Then switch to ciba-demo
realm and create a new user under Users section.

Then open http://localhost:8002/ and http://localhost:8001/ in separate web browser tabs or windows.
Submit a form in http://localhost:8001/, which will trigger new authentication request. The page will periodically refresh to poll authentication status.

Then, switch to already opened http://localhost:8002/ tab. You will see a new request appear in the table with 2 buttons - Accept and Reject. Click one of the buttons

Switch back to the polling tab to see the authentication status.