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Andrew Lee edited this page Jan 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

img Welcome to the Prometheus Alarm Clock Wiki.

This is where I do my best to provide information about how to set up Prometheus clock.

Although it may seem overwhelming, I had almost no background in hardware programming, and was able to create all this using trial and error (with emphasis on error)!

Hence, I will do my best to provide information for the people who aren't as well versed in hardware concepts (as was the case for me) in an effort to make this project accessible to the most amount of people.

Furthermore, this Wiki's software sections will only contain installation instructions (both of the Prometheus program and its dependencies). If you are interested in understanding the logic behind the program, please refer to the Prometheus program's main page. Here, I try to break down the code (as well as provide the links to godocs)